Thursday, February 1, 2018

January an 'eventful' month for Singapore weather: Met Service

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 

This is havoc caused by Global Climate (天灾)。

Earth will face 3 Minor Catastrophe (小三灾)- 天灾,人祸,瘟疫 (Global Climate/Natural Disasters, War-nuclear war, WW3, Epidemic).

Unfortunately, the World is at the midst of these 3.

Trump will play an important role in all 3 - depending on how he trigger it.
Ricky Lim · 
Posted in :-
Fri 20 Jan, 2017 3:26 AM

ricky l 0 seconds ago
Hour before the announcement of US Election result :-

One Big Bang comes ------ Lightning strike and Thunder roar - when reading the 1st headline of US Election result .....
And a "Vision appear" --------- there will be One Big Bang.......
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ricky l 17 seconds ago
Posted in :-

January 11, 2017
ricky l 17 seconds ago
The most likely major conflict happening in Asia Pacific region should be :-
(1) Korea war - quite likely when US and allied sense that ICBM become real
A war breaking out against N Korea is increasingly possible - because karma is ripening.
See less
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ricky l 14 seconds ago
This is the vision that "pops up" - when Trump is ready for inauguration.

Now it seems like "this vision" - is becoming "true".
Reply 00

ricky l 15 seconds ago
Posted in :-
Fri 20 Jan, 2017 3:26 AM

ricky l 0 seconds ago
Hour before the announcement of US Election result :-

One Big Bang comes ------ Lightning strike and Thunder roar - when reading the 1st headline of US Election result .....
And a "Vision appear" --------- there will be One Big Bang.......
Reply 00
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Ricky Lim ·

Look like the prophecy, the intuition, the vision --- of the D-day is coming near .............................
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Ricky Lim ·

Time and again, i hope to be proven wrong.

But each time, D-day keep drawing near - and no sign of averting the "Big Bang".
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Ricky Lim · 

Trump has the propensity to become the 灭世尊。
Due to his stance in :-
(1) nuclear crisis in Korean peninsula
(2) his stance in Paris climate deal
(3) his stance in trade - that may trigger trade war (that in the past has led to WW1, WW2).

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