North Korea warns against US-South Korea military drills after Olympics
North Korea has warned if the United States goes ahead with delayed military exercises with South Korea after the Winter Olympics it will not "sit idle", the North's foreign minister said in a letter to the United Nations.
02 Feb 2018 09:25AM
"The fact that a dramatic turning point has been made for peace and stability, national reconciliation and cooperation, and reunification on the Korean peninsula where a touch-and-go war danger was prevailing is entirely thanks to the noble love for the nation by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un," it said.
"We will make every effort to improve inter-Korean relations in future, too, but never sit idle with regard to sinister act of throwing a wet blanket over our efforts."
It shows that there is a possibility that Korean Peninsula can be resolved - if both S Korea and N Korea handle the delicate relationship very carefully.
There could be up and down along the way.
But both Koreas must not deviate from the strong desires to make relationship better and not move backward.
It is no good for both Koreas and whole of Asia Pacific not to mention US.
Thus, Countries of interest (such as US, China, Japan, Russia) should try to make this possible.
A relief that N Korea do respond to social media............
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Posted on :-
01 Feb 2018 11:05AM
Ricky Lim ·
Searching for ways to resolve Korean Peninsula confrontation and nuclear crisis. Trawl the internet on 1950s Korean war
And look through various videos of 1950s Korean war.
Noted that what cause Korean War - are just due to :-
(1) Ideological differences (Communism vs Democracy)
(2) Political differences - Cold War mentality and which side rule
(3) Economic differences - State-Run vs Market Economy
There are no inherent hated by both Koreas - as they are of the same blood, blood brothers.
But what make them start and fight the war are the above cause by physical separation at the 38 parallel.
What antidote can help the 2 Koreas to really reconcile, stop confrontation and finally denuclearise, should be :-
(1) Emphasize people-to-people relationship, emphazie they are from the same blood, same root, same ancestorship.
(2) Emphasize both have strong desires for peace, for safety, for security.
(3) Emphasize the desires for economic development, business, investment, raise the living conditions and standard of living of the people.
(4) Establish several layers and levels of linkages, military hotline, maintain communication links -- no matter what happen - even when tension arise.
(5) Works towards real conciliation and non-confrontation - such as addressing military exercies and missiles/nuclear tests --- by downgrading the scale of exercises and reducing missile/nuclear tests --- to finally stopping them.
(6) Finally, find ways to ramp up more social contacts, more economic contacts and integration while reducing and finally eliminating military tension and confrontation.
This will be the only way to resolve the 2 Koreas Peninsula issue. Whether will the 2 Korea reunified or stay as 2 States (but a more amicable and brother state - spice with more economic integration and exchanges minus military tension) ---- will be a real positive improvement from the past tense relation.
Asia Pacific is a bedrock of "Peace, Prospeity, Business, Wealth, Prosperity".
Both Koreas must take advantage of Asia Pacific - to benefit themselves - and not spoil and poison this "Utopian" bedrock of peace and prosperity.
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Ricky Lim ·
The core of the antidote is :-
“交心” - "Exchange of Heart".
The genuine desires - to improve relationship, reduce tension - and move away from the extremely unpleasant tension, confrontation - and the consequences of hardship and sufferings.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
There will be hiccups and unhappiness - along the way - in forging “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" --- especially when the Winter Olympics is over - and both sides resume their past usual way of lives.
But whatever linkages, communication, hotlines and relationships - must not be broken - and let it continue ------- using “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" --- as the bedrock and strong desire to improve the relationship and avoid escalation and tension.
Both Koreas must always pull back to this focus point - “交心” - "Exchange of Heart" - whenever things are not going as smoothly.
And unhappiness and tension can be resolved.
What is important ---- is to improve, not go backward ---- which is not good for both Koreas --- as well as for Asia Pacific not to mention US.
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where a touch-and-go war danger was prevailing is entirely thanks to the noble love for the nation by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un," it said.
N Korea Leader Kim mention it was a touch-and-go war danger.
Thus indeed humanity survival was a close call.
He did respond to social media Holocaust warning and reacted just in time.
Posted on :-
01 Jan 2018 04:55AM
Lance Long ·
National University of Singapore
Serious, just go to war n destroy NK. Most of the country will fight against NK. CHINA AND RUSSIA can't help. The war will just last less then 3 month.
Like · Reply · 1 · 11h
Ricky Lim ·
The nuclear radiation will spread 3,000 km wide.
A large part of SE Asia, China, Russia and East Asia will be contaminated by nuclear contamination.
Think before you speak.
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Lance Long ·
National University of Singapore
Ricky Lim we need to act b4 it get serious. The world should destroy NK now. Their getting more and more dangerous as the time pass. pp like you that alway think think think without any action is the worst.
Like · Reply · 32m
Ricky Lim ·
Lance Long -
US acted to bomb Iraq because of some misinformation about nuclear.
ISIS caliphate is created - and no nuclear is found.
US acted on Libya - and again no nuclear is found.
ISIS also gain a foothold in Middle East.
Now you want a peaceful Asia Pacific - to be turned into a 2nd Middle East?
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Adrian Lee
It's is precisely because of this fact that the world must destroy NK before he further enhance his nuclear capabilities which would bring even more disasters to the whole world
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Ricky Lim ·
A war is never declared without understand the implication and its consequences.
It is never a military impact - not mention millions of human death.
There will also be an economic impact ---- when so many Countries will be drag into it.
China the 2nd largest Economy.
Japan the 3rd largest Economy.
S Korea the 11th largest Economy.
US the largest Economy.
Declaring war in Asia Pacific - has a Global Economic impact - that will affect the World.
N Korea million of refugees will run all over the place - posing a great social impact - like Sytrian refugees that swarm the Europe.
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Ricky Lim ·
Similarly, N Korea will also understand the mililtary impact, economic impact and social impact unto itself currently.
N Korea understand its nuclear program has take a heavy toll on N Korea economy, poverty, hardship and the social impact unto itself.
So why and what is the hurry to start a macabath war when you all don't understand its consequences?
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
It is a game of "who break first" vs "who blink first".
And you guys are suggesting "who blink first" - which will be catastrophe.
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Make no mistake North Korea is not here to talk of peace and stability. They are only want to resume talk because of the Winter Olympics and to ensure that all their participants and performers are safe in the South. After the Games, Kim will be back to his usual threatening self. Kim is not going to buckle under pressure from sanctions.
It takes 2 hands to clap.
Let see how S Korea and N Korea work out between themselves to prevent such tension from escalating again.
Ultimately, it is both Koreas' destiny and interests to ensure both can resolve their differences and forge a better relationship.
And no one in this World in the right mind want war, instead of forgoing for peace and prosperity..
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Nothing in this World is unsolvable.
There are many precedents that Countries similar to N Korea political and economic makeup have emerged from their difficulties and integrate successfully with the World.
For eg.
(1) China
(2) Russia
(3) Vietnam
(4) Cambodia
(5) Laos
And they are doing very well.
So if all these Countries can, why not N Korea?
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