Thailand: Land of smiles, land of ghosts

ricky l • Remove
Let us explore why "Ghost exist".Reply
Firstly, human and all 6 realms sentinent beings have inherent 3 evil roots - that govern how we are born in this Samsara Universe.
The 3 evil roots are :-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Law
(2) Greed or Attachment
(3) Hatred
As a result of these 3 inherent evil roots - 3 Paranormal existence of the lower realm exist.
(1) Extreme ignorance - when passing away give rise to animal realm (who will not have the intelligent or wisdom to understand higher learning like human beings and above). The animal realm inherit the mundane consciousness.
(2) Extreme Greed or Strong Attachment to sensual desire - when passing away give rise to "Hungry Ghost" that can manifest in the mundane world - whereby some humans has the ability to sense, hear or see their presence. Animals with acute senses can also feel or hear or see their presence. The Hungry Ghost realm inherit the paranormal consciousness often in unfulfill wish or desire that this being is strongly attached to - which is a woeful state of sufferings.
(3) Extreme Hatred, cruelty - when passing away give rise to "Hell realm". Many people mistaken this realm as "Ghosts". But they are actually Hell beings - that are constantly subjected to death every moment often in captive. Thus humans are unlikely to see such beings unless with divine power that can traverse to this realm. The Hell realm also inherit the paranormal consciousness - often in deep pain and sufferings.
ricky l • Remove
Then what are 3 opposing poles to the 3 inherent evil roots?
They are :-
(1) Panna Wisdom (般若智慧) vs Ignorance of Universal Law (痴)
(2) Compassion (慈悲) vs Hatred, Cruelty(嗔)
(3) No-Self(大舍, 无我) vs Greed or Attachment (贪)

ricky l • Remove
Science delusion - unable to proof the different type of consciousness in this Universe.
Science can only proof matter - what they see.
But Science cannot proof consciousness.
All sentinent beings exist because of consciousness (Mind) - that will have to exist within Matter - to qualify as a "sentinent beings".
ricky l • Remove
Eg. before human and animals and micro-organisms exist on Earth, where Universe are just newly formed - are the Universe consist of only celestial bodies of 4 Great Elements comprising matter, air, temperatures, liquid only without any consciousness?
If there are no consciousness in the Universe, how does animal, mirco-organisms and humans formed on Earth, when Earth is conducive for mundane life to be born and grow?
ricky l • Remove
Who is the first human on Earth?
Who is the first living things on Earth?
- if there are no consciousness?
ricky l • Remove
What is or are the first consciousness in the Samsara (Physical) Universe - When the Universe is born?
If there are no consciousness in Universe, how does living things born and grow? Then Universe should only be celestial bodies of matter, temperatures, liquid and air only - with no lives. But now Earth demonstrate living things are born and growing in it.
Celestial bodies that are conducive to support lives show that micro-organisms are growing - how is this possible if the Universe has no consciousness?
ricky l • Remove
The 1st consciousness in the Physical Universe is the Concept of Self - Attachment to Self or Ego or Greed on attachment to Sensual Desire - to give birth. (This is how micro-organism, animals and human as well as other sentinent beings are born in the various 6 realms).
Sufferings (苦) arise because of Attachment (集)
(Note :- Then what is the opposing pole - it is the attainment of "No-Self" - non-attachment to Self or Ego (灭)- the hallmark of attaining "Sainthood" - where Nirvana (道)is attained - no Birth, no Death. The supramundane consciousness of Nirvana).
As such, (苦集灭道) - Sufferings, Cause of Sufferings is due to Attachment, Cessation of Sufferings is to eradicate attachment, Achieve Enlightenment) - is the 4 Noble Truth.
ricky l • Remove
As a result of Attachment to Self - Ignorance of Universal Law arises.
Ignorance of Nirvana (出世间法)(Dharma or Supramundane) - no birth, no death, Law of Permanence, cessation of karma (cause and effect), Eternal bliss, peace - as sentinent beings including human - fall over from Nirvana to Samsara Physical Universe.
Hatred develop - as attachment to Self, Ignorance of Universal Law - instill fear of death, fear of future, fear of unknown, fear of unable to control one's lives, fear of unable to control the environment around us etc.
As a result, 3 evil roots of Greed (Attachment to Self), Ignorance of Universal Law and Hatred become inherent in sentinent beings including human.
Thus the 1st stray thought of consciousness of becoming (wanting to be born - due to Attachment to Self or Ego - start off a whole chain or vicious cycle of 12 dependant origination of Life - and lead to 1st life in the Universe.
ricky l • Remove
The 1st consciousness in the Physical Universe - is thus known as 起心动念 - the 1st stray thought of becoming - due to attachment to Self (the 1st Concept of Self or Ego) - that started the 1st mundane consciousness of living things in the Physical Universe.
ricky l • Remove
Omnipotent - is the Concept of Self or Ego.
If this consciousness ever arise - then No birth, No death cannot be attained - because it will start off the vicious cycle of life - in this Physical Samsara.
Nirvana has "No Concept of Omnipotent or Self or Ego".
ricky l • Remove
Because "No-Self" (大舍, 无我) - is the first hallmark or criteria of "a Sainthood", the first quality of Nirvana.
If there is a concept of Self, Ego or Omnipotent - then One will do all sort of things for "Self" - including harming others.
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