'109 Boko Haram fighters dead' after first attack on Niger

ricky l • Remove
The coalition forces to fight this IS proxy extremists (Boko Haram) - prove effective.Reply
Otherwise Boko Haram will capture more neigbouring lands and form a caliphate like what ISIL did in Middle East - which will then export terrors to all the neighboring Countries, destabilising all the legitimate Government in the neighboring Countries.
The coalition forces should keep up the pressure by bombarding the Boko Haram stronghold such as :-
(1) All Boko Haram troop concentration, troop movement
(2) All Boko Haram camps, towns, admin centre, caliphate
(3) All Boko Haram vehicle movement - whether heavy vehicles, heavy equipment, arty piece, armour, trucks, vehicles or motorcycle
- should be targeted and bombed until Boko Haram declare defeated, unconditionally surrender, disarm and disband, release all hostages unconditionally - and never to commit any more crime.
- ricky l • Remove
Bombardment on the Boko Haram stronghold and their troop concentration can be :-
(1) artillery bombardment
(2) multi-barrel missile bombardment
(3) tank bombardment
(4) fighter plane and bombers bombardment
until their troops strength degraded, all their infrastructure, ammunition depot, logistics supply chain are damaged and destroyed.ricky l • Remove
Next, should deprived the Boko Haram of :-
(1) money supply
(2) food supply
(3) good and services supply
(4) water supply
(5) weapon and ammo supply
(6) all spare parts and military equipment supply
This will choke and suffocate them - until they declared unconditional surrender.
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