Egypt strikes IS group in Libya after video of mass killing

ricky l • Remove
IS group is expanding along Middle East - hence Middle East hotspot. (Hotspot 2)Reply
IS group is expanding into Africa - and will try to link up with Boko Haram - hence Africa baby hotspot. (Baby Hotspot)
IS group has the ambition to launch jihad against the West - notably in Europe - hence Europe hotspot. (Hotspot 1)
IS group will then try to push into Afghanistan and Pakistan through Taliban - hence Asia Pac hotspot (Hotspot 3)
When this happen - WW3 will start to rear its ugly head.
Hence, Ukraine crisis between NATO bloc and Russia bloc - should end - and instead focus on what the IS group pose (as Satan (灭世魔) has arise in this modern world - rearing its ugly head - intending to destroy humanity - starting with moderate Muslims and then non-Muslims & the World).
Asia Pacific should stay alert of such IS group development.
ricky l • Remove
The 1st goal of the IS group - is to form a Islamic caliphate in Middle East - by threatening all the moderate Muslim Countries - threatening moderate Islamic teachings - and replace it with extreme form of Islamic teachings - focusing on jihad, beheading, burning, kidnapping, terrorising, capturing lands and topple the Government of all the Countries in the Middle East. (World Hotspot 2 ignited)
The 2nd goal of the IS group - is to coax and export the same doctrine to militants in Africa such as Bokok Haram and IS proxy militants to commit similar atrocities - to destabilise all the African Countries and topple the Governments in the African Continent and link the African caliphate to Middle East caliphate. (World Baby Hotspot ignited)
The 3rd goal of the IS group - is to launch a massive jihad against the West in Europe - by viewing them as Christian crusaders. (World Hotspot 1 ignited)
The 4th goal of the IS group - is to coax and export the same doctrine to militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan - notably the Taliban and Al-Qaeda to commit atrocities and destabilise the Asia Pac countries and link the Middle East calipate. (World Hotspot 3 ignited)
World War 3 - an evil ideological war - Satan (灭世魔) vs Humanity will be ignited.
ricky l • Remove
If the World are still not united and make a comprehensive plan in UN to counteract this threat against humanity - the World will be in trouble.
ricky l • Remove
This is the war of Humanity versus Satan (灭世魔) - IS group and its proxy.
ricky l • Remove
Just be reminded the following :-
Earth is going through a period of :-
(birth, living, disaster, emptiness) - Dharma-Blossom Age, Dharma Maintenance Age, Dharma-Ending Age, Dharma-Emptiness Age).
We are entering into the period of 劫 (disaster) - the Dharma-Ending Age (having passed through Dharma-Blossom Age, Dharma Maintenance Age).
Dharma-Ending Age means all wholesome Universal Teachings (Religions) will cease - and replace with cruelty and sufferings - follow by mass destruction ......
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