Mongolia mummy find highlights Buddhist 'living gods' tradition

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God is not define in Buddhism.Reply
Buddhism however do recognise Heavenly Beings who live in the different realms of Heavens depending on their attainment.
Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas and Arahats - are able to relate how these Heavenly Beings are classified based on their attaiment and the consciousness they acquire upon attainement.
There are 3 realms of Heavenly Beings.
(1) Sensual Desire Heavenly Beings
(2) Form Heavenly Beings
(3) Formless Heavenly Beings - the Highest Realms of Heavenly Beings.
Each realm of Heavenly Beings have sub-realms.
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Then what are the consciousness of Formless Heavenly Beings (the Highest Heavenly realms) :-
The consciousness are sublime and sub-consciousness which are still anchor on 3 unwholesome roots of Ignorance of Universal Law (because Nirvana is still not attained), Hatred (is still present though sublime and subtle) and Greed (is still present though sublime and subtle).
Among the dominant consciousness of Formless Heavenly Beings being "formless" have the following consciousness :- vastness encompassing the Universe, profound, infinite light, depth, enwrapping the Universe.
Hence the Formless Heavenly Beings is the Highest Realm of Heaven and most important but subtle consciousness - it possess the consciousness of "Omnipotent" - as the Heavenly Beings felt that nothing else can be attained as it encompass the Universe (but failing to realise that Nirvana is present and has not been attained).
In Science if Formless Heavenly Beings attainment is "1", Nirvana is "0" (Emptiness) - which Formless Heavenly Beings fail to realise - hence developing the consciousness of "Omnipotent" - that is conspicuously absent in Nirvana.
Formless Heavenly Beings do have value of OmniPresent, OmbiBenevolence and OmniScience (being all encompassing and enwrapping the Universe) - hence "1" - but failing to realise and attain Nirvana - "0" - will develop the consciousness of "OmniPotent" (Ego) - that differentiate Nirvana Beings (No-Self, Egoless) from Formless Heavenly Beings.
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How are the Formless Heavenly Beings attained?
Formless Heavenly Beings can be attained by attainment of Arupa Jhana - Formless Jhana Samadhi.
2 sub-realms of Formless Heavenly Beings :-
(1) Realm of Nothingness or No-Nothingness - under the Law of Relativity.
(2) Realm of Perception or Non-Perception - under the Law of Relativity.
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Then what consciousness comprise the Form Heavenly Beings?
The 3 unwholesome roots consciousness of Ignorance of Universal Law (because Nirvana is still not attained), Hatred (is still present) and Greed (is still present) - are all suppressed, control and not manifested.
Note :- it is the 3 wholesome roots of Ignorance, Hatred and Greed - that cause sentinent beings fall into :-
(1) Heaven - very subtle or sublime Ignorance, Hatred and Greed or suppressed, controlled Ignorance, Hatred and Greed.
(2) Asura - extreme jealously of Heavenly Beings
(3) Human - average Greed, Hatred, Ignorance of Universal Law
(4) Animal - extreme Ignorance
(5) Hungry Ghost - extreme Greed, Attachment to sensual desire
(6) Hell - extreme Hatred, Cruelty
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So when the ISIL group claim by conducting jihad - that kill with hatred, greed, ignorance - such as beheading, burning, kidnapping ------ will never go to heaven.
In fact, ISIL group will go to Hell - the deepest Hell - Avici Hell - who possess the characteristics of extreme Hatred and Cruelty.
ISIL group - does not with the slightest hint meet the criteria of Heaven but fully qualified to enter into Hell, the Avici Hell.
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Form Heavenly Beings have 4 sub-realms, specifically :-
(1) 1st Jhana Form Heavenly Beings
(2) 2nd Jhana Form Heavenly Beings
(3) 3rd Jhana Form Heavenly Beings
(4) 4th Jhana Form Heavenly Beings
they possess the consciousness of varying form of :-
(1) 1-pointedness concentration equanimity
(2) bliss
(3) joy
(4) sustained application of light nimitta
(5) initial application of light nimitta
Where the 3 unwholesome roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred and Greed - are fully suppressed, control and not manifested.
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The 3rd Heavenly Beings that are closet to Human Beings are Sensual Desire Heavenly Beings.
Having no experience in this heavenly realms - it was said that heavenly beings enjoy the greatest sensual desires that are experience by human beings such as wealth, prosperity, lust (not sure whether the 72 virigins exist here), longevity, good health etc.
The 3 unwholesome roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred and Greed - are not suppressed or control - but Heavenly Beings in this realms generally have good moral conducts - that is why they are reborn in this Heavenly Realms.
Note, in this realm of Heavenly Beings - meditation is not required - only good moral conduct.
(Formless Heavenly Realms and Form Heavenly Realms - need meditative attainment - that can only achieve through meditation).
Thus it is easy to determine when religious group claim that they will go to Heaven, which Heaven they are referring to.
The consciousness and criteria in the different Heavenly Realms will determine how Human Beings or other realms can be reborn into.
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So how do Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas, Arahats - determine the attainment of their disciples?
Simple, by determining the consciousness that they have attained.
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Why God is not defined in Buddhism?
Because Universe exist by itself - not created.
When Universe demise - it is a "Big Black Hole" of energy - MATTER - MUNDANE.
The corresponding MIND - is Nirvana - SUPRAMUNDANE.
When Universe - explode into SuperNova from "Black Hole" - into expanding Universe - MATTER - MUNDANE.
The corresponding MIND - evolved into 10 realms of MIND, specifically :-
(1) The 4 realms of Supramundane Mind of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas, Arahats
(2) The Supramundane Mind of Heavens
(3) The Paranormal Mind of Asura
(4) The Mundane Mind of Human
(5) The Mundane Mind of Animal
(6) The Paranormal Mind of Hungry Ghost
(7) The Paranormal Mind of Hell Being
When Universe collapse and demise again, what is left :-
When Universe demise - it is a "Big Black Hole" of energy - MATTER - MUNDANE.
The corresponding MIND - is Nirvana - SUPRAMUNDANE.
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When Emptiness 空 sets in, all 6 realms sentinent beings collapse and left only :-
(1) Universe demise - it is a "Big Black Hole" of energy - MATTER - MUNDANE.
(2) The corresponding MIND - is Nirvana - SUPRAMUNDANE.
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In Emptiness, the 0 and 1 reverse, where :-
(1) Universe (Matter) - black hole = 0.
(2) Nirvana (Mind) = 1 (一真法界)。The only Mind exist.
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Some religion somehow describe this State - as Judgement Day.
Some religion somehow describe this State :-
(1) Nirvana = Heaven where God and His disciples stay
(2) Universe (black hole) = Eternal Hell
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But in Buddhism, Nirvana is not equal to Heaven, because the 3 realms of Heaven will have collapse - like other realms.
Only Nirvana (Mind) = 1 (一真法界)。The only Mind exist.
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When Buddha descend into Hell to salvage all sentinent beings, again 10 realms - 6 realms sentinent beings of existence and 4 realms of supramundane Nirvana will form ----- in tandem with the explosion of Black Hole supernova explosion to form another Universe.
ie. Mind - in tandem of formation of Universe.
This process will go on and on - into Infinity that seems like Eternal ------ until all sentinent beings increasingly salvage to attain Nirvana ------ until all 6 realms sentinent beings no longer exist in the Physical Universe.
It is a very long drawn process ----- so long that look like Infinity,
So long that is looks like Eternal...........
But eventually, this is the Bodhi Vows of Mahayana - where the Bodhi Vows to :-
(1) Salvage the last sentinent beings in the Samsara Universe will be fulfilled.
(2) Salvage the last grain of sand in the Samsara Universe will be fulfilled.
where everyone will be in Nirvana - no birth, no death, no sufferings, no pain, where all karma cease, Eternal Peace, Eternal Bliss - leaving "no one behind" in Sufferings.
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