Mummified Buddhist monk 'still alive after 200 years and is nearly a Buddha'

Chye Seng • Report Abuse
Being mummified is one thing...Reply
But becoming a buddha is another...
It does not make sense for a dead body...
To attain buddha hood...
As the mind already ceased to function...
There are lots of brains out there in cold storage...
Can we say they are still thinking and getting smarter...???
- ricky l • Remove
A meditator need not need to attain Nirvana - and let his body die and become mummified. This meditator did so, because he do not want to come back from Nirvana - an extremely blissful state, and his consciousness has permeates every aspect of the Universe - thus he need to take a very resolute determination and wish to come back from - his very powerful Jhana Samadhi.
It is not easy to do so - because his mental mind and body - are suck into a very powerful suction force into the nimitta and permeates the whole of the Universe.
Just like if celestial bodies are suck into a very powerful Black Hole - do you think is it easy for energy of celestial bodies to come out from the Black Hole? If require a supernova explosion to come out of the Black Hole.
Similarly, this meditator in this high meditative state - will need to muster all the resolve he has - to return back from Nirvana and Jhana - otherwise His body become sariras and become mummified.
Normally, a monk or nun - have Bodhi Vows to want to come back from Nirvana to Earth to help sentinent beings - before they will want to come back eg. like Sakyamuni Buddha.
Or a layman has similar Bodhi Vows to liberate sentinent beings or he still not able to forsake his family - then the resolve to come back from Nirvana back to his body will be possible - to come out from the powerful Jhana and Nirvana suction force.
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemoveBut the problem is that, monks and nuns once attained Nirvana and Jhana Samadhi rarely want to come back into their mundane body (because they will already view the body as "a pile of garbage") - and they has already overcome all their sensual desires - and view the body as unclean, garbage, full of sufferings.
Since their "goal of achieving Nirvana" is attained - will they want to come back?
Thus many become mummified and become body sariras.
Those who have come back - usually has make "Bodhi Vows" to come back to help sentinent beings - thus they come back to the world of sufferings again.
Thus there are living people who have attained Nirvana walking among us - except many are unaware they have muster such an extraordinary effort to come back.
ricky l • Remove
@Chye Seng
Buddha hood is not possible in this current Earth. The next Buddha (3 times perfection in attaining Nirvana)
But attaining Nirvana (the same Nirvana as Buddha) is possible in this modern world.
And the people who attain the Nirvana are known as :-
Bodhisattva - 2 times attaining Nirvana
Pacekka Buddha - 1 time Perfection in attaining Nirvana through his own Attainment.
Arahat - 1 time Perfection in attaining Nirvana by following the practice and teachings of Buddha.
3 other Saints have partial attainment of Nirvana - ie. Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami.ricky l • Remove
The next Buddha (3 times perfection in attaining Nirvana) - is Matrieya Buddha - will not appear until the Earth and Solar System collapse and a new one is formed - aeons away.
ricky l • Remove
Also to mention that there are people among us for have attained the following :-
(1) 1st Rupa Jhana Samadhi
(2) 2nd Rupa Jhana Samadhi
(3) 3rd Rupa Jhana Samadhi
(4) 4th Rupa Jhana Samadhi
(5) 5th Arupa Jhana Samadhi.
Francis • Report Abuse
If he achieved Nirvana, then he needs to talk about his experience and clear many doubts many Buddhists have.
Now many claim to be Buddhas or achieve Nirvana.
7 days course for $8,888.00 anyone???
Even provide you certificate of Enlightenment and exclusive Buddhahood club.
ricky l • Remove
Nirvana experience is written all over the sutras.
Whether in Theravada Pali Canon - Abdhidarma.
or Whether in Mahayana such as :-
(1) Heart Sutra
(2) Diamond Sutra
(3) Infinite Life Sutra
(4) Nibbana Sutra
- and so many others.
Whether can people understand - by relating a person's direct insight to the sutra.
No use talking about Nirvana.
One has to practice, walk the path, meditate and gain direct insight.
Talk and talk will only make the listener more confused and they used their perception to relate - which may not be correct.
One with direct insights will understand the sutra intuitively and can correlate.
And forgot about attending course that charge $$$$$$$.
Enlightened Beings will not charge big $$$$$$$$ to conduct courses - it go against their Bodhi Vows - and is an obstacle to their practice.
Francis • Report Abuse
Yes. There is progressive stages cumulating to the final liberation.
It is said that the path is one who follow the Good Conduct, Mental Development and finally Wisdom.
It is the action to do it, guided by right view and will it by right intention... the Eightfold Path.
Have you seen anyone worthy of offerings recently in Singapore, China, Mongolia, Tibet, Thailand?
Have not tried that in Indo-China though.
The cultivation is more conducive to environment that is agrarian in nature. - ricky l • Remove
Those who are will not reveal themselves.
Because many people will look for them - and this will disturb their mental cultivation.
They will appear when there is a need to salvage someone or the community - and they will fall back into the background when not needed.
They will not publicised to everyone and let people do offerings to them. -
ricky l • Remove
The tree analogy - is not about reproduction between father and mother - this is a physical biological state.
Human and living things - have "birth-death-rebirth relinking consciousness - the continuum consciousness - that will transfer from one state-to anther state or realm.
Consciousness are not lost when death.
This is how the tree analogy - apply to mental consciousness - not biological reproductive state. - 0users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate a Thumb UpPlease sign in to rate a Thumb Down1users disliked this commentMyohmy • Report Abuse
While Ricky L has included many Budhhist truths, one of the desired states on the path to nibbana is to be free from attachment to rites and rituals.
Unbelievable Life • Report Abuse
So Ricky L, base on your tree analogy, you're saying if our parents die they are not dead because they gave birth to you?
3users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate a Thumb UpPlease sign in to rate a Thumb Down0users disliked this commentaliveamadeus • Report Abuse
Thanks Ricky for trying to explain. Let those who will, learn :))
ricky l • RemoveEverything in this Earth or albeit Universe is recyclable - like a vicious circle. Even when collapse into black hole (they are still a form of energy) - capable of forming another celestial bodies or another Universe if this Universe demise. It never dies - strictly speaking.
(1) When a plant or tree die - its sapling, its seed - will transform into another tree, another plant. Conversely, after the tree and plant dies - it will decomposed into another form and will not vanish.
(2) Water will be used, drank and evaporise into cloud and become rain water.
(3) Similarly, mental states, Consciousness of living things - whether human or animals or organisms - if passed away will also be transformed into another consciousness upon death into the next respective realms based on the volition of its karma.
(4) Understand that celestial bodies when demise or when absorb by black hole or exploded are transformed into another form of energy.
Understand that everything on Earth or Universe - are make up of atom, sub-atomic particles - and never die (and recyclable into another form isn't it)?
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