Mummified Buddhist monk 'still alive after 200 years and is nearly a Buddha'

ricky l • Remove
The article is not accurate to say that "the body is close to Nirvana. which according to Buddhist beliefs, is the highest possible state achievable when the physical body dissolves."Reply
When the physical body dissolves or decay, it is a state of "PariNirvana" - not Nirvana as describe by this article.
- ricky l • Remove
A living person can attain the following states :-
(1) Samadhi Jhana - 1 pointedness concentration without attaining Nirvana
(2) Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana
Though rare, such meditators have attained supramundane consciousness of Jhana &/or supramundane consciousness of Nirvana Fruition.
Those who attained full Nirvana fruition are normally called :-
(1) Buddha - 3 times perfection of Nirvana
(2) Bodhisattva - 2 time perfection of Nirvana
(3) Pacekka Buddha - 1 time perfection of Nirvana through own realisation and attainment of 4 Noble Truth.
(4) Arahat - 1 time perfection of Nirvana through practice - based on discourse passed down since Buddha's time.
Those who attained partial Nirvana frution are called :-
(1) Sotapanna
(2) Sakadagami
(3) Anagami - ricky l • Remove
All Buddha, Bodhisattva, Pacekka Buddha and Arahat - attian the same and equal Nirvana - except a Buddha has the most minute and detail Nirvana that will be able to "see" and "correlate" all the karma - not possible by the Bodhisattva, Pacekka Buddha and Arahat.
The next Buddha will not born in this Earth lifetime.
Those Enlightened Beings that will exist among us (though very rare) are mainly Bodhisattva, Pacekka Buddha and Arahat.ricky l • Remove
In Nirvana, body is used as an object for transformation - from mundane consciousness to supramundane consciousness.
In PariNirvana, the Whole Universe is the object of transformation - from Physical Samsara Universe - to Nirvana 3 Ring Fruition (at this state, Omnipresence is achieved - as the entire Universe is the body of the meditator).ricky l • Remove
A person in such high meditative state can be in any of the 3 forms :-
(1) 1 pointedness concentration of Rupa Jhana - where all 4 elements of body form are no longer significant to the meditator - where all bodily pain and sensation no longer cause problem to the meditator mundane consciousness (thus there will be no pain, no itchness, no numbness etc) - and the meditator 5 mental aggregates of 5-conscousness, feelings, perception, judgement and mental formation (ie. human mundane mind and matter) - have been transformed into :-
(a) all bodily sensation and consciousness - are suck into a very powerful force (like black hole) into a "1-pointedness intense light - so bright like the sun".
(b) all human mental aggregates - have been transformed into Samadhi Jhana supramundane consciousness :-
(i) initial application of all senses - into 1-pointed light called "nimitta".
(ii) sustained application of all senses - into 1-pointed light called "nimitta".
(iii) bliss state
(iv) joy and happy state
(v) 1-pointednedd equanimity state
(all these 5 supramundane consciousness have fully replace the 5 human mental aggregates of 5-conscousness, feelings, perception, judgement and mental formation)
At these point - the meditator has attained a very dramatic and drastic transformation from human - to supramundane being - known as Jhana Samadhi.
(脱胎换骨)- as he no longer inherit the human body phenomenon.
This meditator can maintain in this state for as long as he want (until the Earth, Solar System or Universe demise) - without the body decaying.
ricky l • Remove
The above 1-pointedness concentation - is denoted by the "core or hub of the Dharma Wheel" - the real phenomenon attained by the meditator as Samadhi Rupa Jhana.
(2) In 2nd form - The meditator can be in boundless, borderless, profound vast unlimited source, spaces of yellow light nimitta - that permeates the entire Universe - as far as the Universe expand or contract.
At this state when stabilise, the meditator has attained Samadhi Arupa Jhana - where :-
(i) human body are no longer significant as compared to the meditator in Samadhi Rupa Jhana
(ii) All the 5 Rupa Jhana of 1-pointedness concentration - has been replaced by the subtle, sublime light that permeates the entire space of the Universe.
This phenomenon - is accurately depicted by the "spoke of the Dharma Wheel" - until the light source reach the fringe of the Universe.
- ricky l • Remove
Buddha passed into PariNirvana - and left behind many bodily sariras - and not whole body sariras.
Buddha requested His disciples to cremate (burn) His bodies - but His many bodily sariras appear (thousands of them).
You can do goggle search on Buddha sariras - they are like gems, jewels. - ricky l • Remove
No more birth, no more death, no more rebirth, no more subjected to karma, no more sufferings, no more pain, Permanence.
Eternal Peace, Eternal Bliss.
No more subject to Universe, galaxies, solar system or Earth's condition - eg. earth no longer can sustain life, sun explode, Universe collapse.ricky l • Remove
Eg. what do human live for?
= Birth, living, grow up, sick, old age, die - within 100 year.
Animal live for 10, 20, 40 years.
Insect live for 1 week, 1 month - and then kick the bucket.
What do living things live for?
- eat
- sleep
- work
- play
- pass urine, faeces
- die
(all for what purpose?)
Enlightened beings see "Life as illusion" in this Samsara World - with no purpose - born and then die. And then rebirth again and then die.
Living things cannot control our own destiny - we are born and bound to die.
(1) Thus life is unsatisfactory - 1st Noble Truth.
(2) Life is born and unsatisfactory (if we don't eat - we suffer. if we don't breathe - we dies within seconds. if we sit for too long - our bones ache) - because of our illusion - of clinging to Self - the first stray thought of lust - to be born - 2nd Noble Truth.
(3) Sufferings can be eradicated - by non-attachment to Self (first entrance into Sainthood - 5 mental aggregates emptiness, 4 Great Elements emptiness).
(4) Enlightenment into Nirvana - end all sufferings.
Chye Seng • Report means that this monk has the ability...
To call the shot of his own destiny...
To be relief of the karma,cycle or manipulation...
If he indeed goes on to become a buddha...
It would be the most important break through...
For mankind since civilization......ricky l • Remove
And to correct the illusion that a person once attained Nirvana - He may not be a Buddha - but he has attained the same Nirvana as Buddha.
A Buddha - can only qualified as Buddha - if He has attained 3 times Perfection in attaining Nirvana - and He is extremely precise in "knowing" the karma of everyone - so precise that it is extended to all living beings in the Universe of all 10 realms - that is not only human beings - but paranormal and supramundane heavenly beings.
A Bodhisattva - 2 times Perfection in attaining Nirvana.
A Pacekka Buddha - 1 time Perfection in attaining Nirvana through his own Attainment.
An Arahat - 1 time Perfection in attaining Nirvana by following the practice and teachings of Buddha.
The above 3 Enlightened Beings has the same Nirvana as a Buddha except the Buddha Nirvana has 3 time perfections - thus very precise, very minute, very detail, very accurate.
3 other Saints have partial attainment of Nirvana - ie. Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami.
Thus a person when attain Nirvana - may not be a Buddha.
BTW, the next Buddha will not appear in this Earth and in this solar system.
But there are some (very rare) Bodhisattva, Pacekka Buddha, Arahat, Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami - walking around us on Earth - except people are not aware of their attainment.
ricky l • Remove
When the meditator continue to meditate - using the 1-pointedness nimitta as the meditative object and subsequently the entire Universe as the meditative object - the 3rd phenomenon occur :-
(1) A third ring fruition (will enwrap) the entire light source at the fringe of the Universe. This is accurately depicted by the circumference of the Dharma Wheel that enwrap the 1-pointedness concentration nimitta (the core of the Dharma Wheel) and the spoke of the light source that permeates the entire Universe (spoke of the Dharma Wheel).
(2) No more stray thoughts will arise within the Dharma Wheel (at this point, 3 inherent evil roots of the Human have been eradicated - they are Ignorance of the Universal Law, Hatred, Greed or Attachment to Self or Ego).
3 wholesome values will replace the 3 inherent evil roots - ie. No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom. (OmniPresent, OmniBenevolence, OmniScience).
(3) Stray thoughts that attempt to penetrate the Dharma Wheel can no longer succeed - as it is strongly defended by the 3rd Ring of the Dharma Wheel.
When this phenomenon appear, no birth, no death, cessation of karma, eternal peace, eternal bliss are experienced.
At this state, it is say to be "五蕴界空,四大界空“ - 5 mental aggregates emptiness, 4 great elements emptiness.
The above experience is also depicted In heart sutra (心经)- 舍利子是诸法空象。不生不灭。
(It means, the body sariras will not be born, will not decay - and enter straight into Nirvana.
无眼耳鼻色身意 - no 5 sense consciousness - which have transformed into supramundane consciousness.

Desna • Report Abuse
Ok so why even the Buddha did not go into this state?.... From my understanding Buddha attain enlightenment and continues to live and teach until age old

Lea • Report Abuse
Thank you for sharing

ricky l • Remove
When the meditator continue to meditate - using the 1-pointedness nimitta as the meditative object and subsequently the entire Universe as the meditative object - the 3rd phenomenon occur :-
(1) A third ring fruition (will enwrap) the entire light source at the fringe of the Universe. This is accurately depicted by the circumference of the Dharma Wheel that enwrap the 1-pointedness concentration nimitta (the core of the Dharma Wheel) and the spoke of the light source that permeates the entire Universe (spoke of the Dharma Wheel).
(2) No more stray thoughts will arise within the Dharma Wheel (at this point, 3 inherent evil roots of the Human have been eradicated - they are Ignorance of the Universal Law, Hatred, Greed or Attachment to Self or Ego).
3 wholesome values will replace the 3 inherent evil roots - ie. No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom. (OmniPresent, OmniBenevolence, OmniScience).
(3) Stray thoughts that attempt to penetrate the Dharma Wheel can no longer succeed - as it is strongly defended by the 3rd Ring of the Dharma Wheel.
When this phenomenon appear, no birth, no death, cessation of karma, eternal peace, eternal bliss are experienced.
At this state, it is say to be "五蕴界空,四大界空“ - 5 mental aggregates emptiness, 4 great elements emptiness.
The above experience is also depicted In heart sutra (心经)- 舍利子是诸法空象。不生不灭。
(It means, the body sariras will not be born, will not decay - and enter straight into Nirvana.
无眼耳鼻色身意 - no 5 sense consciousness - which have transformed into supramundane consciousness.
ricky l • Remove
I think you mean why Buddha did not go into this highly meditative states - as described in the above 3 forms.
The answer is :-
(1) Buddha did meditate and attain the 3 states consecutively and he remain in the highly meditative state for 49 days - to immerse Himself in all the Universal Phenomenon - using "Nirvana Fruition" as his respite object for meditation.
(2) 达摩祖师 - the 1st Zen Master is in this meditative state in lotus position in a cave for 2 years. Thereafter he disappeared and no one can find him anymore.
(3) 6th Patriach Zen Master.(慧能法师)- have been in this meditative state in lotus position for about 3,000 years. You can do a google search on "body sariras" - and you can see this Master like any human sitting comfortably like any human meditating.
(4) some can be in this state for half a day, 1 day, 3 days or a week - and return back to human life.
But when this happen, the supramundane consciousness will slowly subside after 1 month and half of the human mundane consciousness will be mixed - this human become half human half saint - as he inherited the hybrid mix of human 5 mental aggregate consciousness to operate as human and supramundane consciousness of Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana consciousness.
Buddha also inherit this hybrid mix when he return as human after 49 days - thus He need to consistently meditate to enter into Jhana when necessary to help other sentinent beings, see people's karma or judge the attainment of his disciples.
ricky l • Remove
And the 3 states of Samadhi Rupa Jhana, Samadhi Arupa Jhana and 3-Ring Fruition Nirvana ------------------------ is a mental supramundane states.
It also mirror the formation of the Physical Universe - Black Hole, SuperNova explosion and the expanding Universe ------- a mundane physical Universe states.

Erkuku • Report Abuse
Please tell more. Why A person need to be in such high meditative state. What will this person achieve.Reply
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