Thursday, February 19, 2015

Putin, Poroshenko, Merkel, Hollande to talk on Thursday - RIA cites Kremlin

Published on Feb 19, 2015 5:14 PM                     

Ricky Lim · Singapore
There must a strong resolve and determination to end the war in Ukraine - because it will benefit all parties - not just one party only.

Peace in Ukraine means Peace for :-
(1) Russia
(2) Ukraine
(3) Europe

So many people have died in this war - and this is the golden opportunity to end it.

Ending the war will benefit all parties involved :-
(1) Russia
(2) Ukraine
(3) Europe
- to mend the Economy and Business and repair the infrastructure.

 So many people have died, they must not died in vain.

Restoring Peace is the only way to prevent bad karma from hitting the Parties involved.
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