Saturday, February 7, 2015

Interior minister: Jordan to 'wipe out' Islamic State group

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Jordan should also coordinate and work with other coalition partners to degrade ISIL through more intense bombing of the ISIL strongholds, infrastructure and troop concentration.
Notably :-
(1) All IS troop concentration, troop movement
(2) All IS camps, towns, admin centre, caliphate
(3) All IS vehicle movement - whether heavy vehicles, heavy equipment, arty piece, armour, trucks, vehicles or motorcycle

In addition, to work with other neighbouring Countries to deprive ISIL of:-
(1) money supply
(2) food supply
(3) good and services supply
(4) water supply
(5) weapon and ammo supply
(6) all spare parts and military equipment supply
(7) movement of foreign militants to enter to other neighbouring countries to join the group in Syria and Iraq

This will choke and suffocate them of all resources - human resource and all material resources - until the organization malfunction and declared unconditional surrender.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Dropping propaganda leaflets into ISIL territory to offer hefty rewards and safe haven to informants within ISIL group :-
(1) who surrender
(2) provide information to coalition forces on there whereabouts of the senior ISIL commanders - so that bomb can be targeted at them
(3) provide information of the whereabout of the hostages - so that rescue mission can be mounted.
(4) provide information on who supply the material resources and logistic supply and weapon / ammo supply to the ISIL group.
(5) provide information on troop strength, military equipment concentration, logistic base, communication infrastructure etc.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
BTW, Bombardment on the ISIL stronghold and their troop concentration can be :-
(1) artillery bombardment
(2) multi-barrel missile bombardment
(3) tank bombardment

(as personnel need not cross the border and reduce personnel taken hostage risk)
to supplement :-
(4) fighter plane and bombers bombardment

until their troops strength degraded, all their infrastructure, ammunition depot, logistics supply chain are damaged and destroyed.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
If ISIL group retaliate with cross-border arty and tank bombardment, fighter planes and fighter bombers can be launched to eliminate the ISIL group arty and tank. 

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