Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ancient Chinese Buddha statue has a mummy with surprises inside

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Sutra (经书)- whether Theravada Pali Canon (小乘经) such as Abidharma or Mahayana (大乘经) such as Heart Sutra (心经), Infinite Life Sutra (无量寿经), Diamond Sutra (金刚经), Nirvana or Nibbana Sutra (涅槃经)etc - has meticulously document the detail, discrete, finite consciousness and subconsciousness - mundane and supramundane of each 10 realms.

Attained meditators such as Monks, Nuns, Laypersons (who has "returned", "emerged" or "come back" from their highly meditative experience or 禅定 - can verified and attest to their highly attained meditative experiences to what is documented in the sutra.

This body sariras of a 1,000 years is a testimony of the true supramundane experience as documented in the sutra.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The consciousness and subconsciousness (mundane and supramundane) - in each realms in each Attainment are so crystal clear, distinct, so define - that the remnant consciousness from this highly meditative states are carried over even though human mundane consciousness are predominant upon "return from" the Jhana Samadhi (禅定) &/or Nirvana Fruition (涅槃).

Hence, the Theravada Pali Canon (小乘经) and Mahayana sutra (大乘经) - are documented in such details with great accuracy - which can be verified by Attained Meditators with their remnants supramundane consciousness though human mundane consciousness will be predominant.

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