Mummified Buddhist monk 'still alive after 200 years and is nearly a Buddha'

ricky l • Remove
Amituofo !!!Reply
He is in a Samadhi Nirvana State - where his physical body is no longer significant.
Yes this is the experience of 华严三昧 - where He is experiencing the 3 Ring-Fruition Nirvana state shown in the Dharma Wheel at the top left hand corner - that encompass the Whole Universe.
- ricky l • Remove
Samadhi Jhana - represent the 1-pointedness concentration represent by the hub of the Dharma Wheel.
The spoke of the Dharma Wheel - is the expansion and projection of the light that will penetrate the Universe.
The circumference of the Dharma Wheel is the fringe that encompass the whole of Universe in Nirvana.
The protruding spoke outside the Dharma Wheel - are stray thoughts that fail to penetrate the 3-Ring Dharma Wheel.ricky l • Remove
It is thus important to have Dharma Protectors to protect meditator that have entered into Samadhi Jhana and Fruition around.
On the 3rd day to be on the safe side or a week - to "wake up" and "coax" the meditator - to "come back" from his Samadhi Jhana and Fruition state - so that His body will not decay - due to no water and food to sustain his body in the mundane life.
Otherwise, He may live the physical world and left his physical body in this state - while His Consciousness will go into Nirvana - like this Master here.ricky l • Remove
His body is still very well preserved without chemical - showing that he is in a high meditative state.
ricky l • Remove
Who say there are no "Enlightened Beings" in this Dharma-Ending era?
fdsaf • Report Abuse
ok thank you for sharing. i think the scientist should bury him or something and not leave the body exposed like this.
this is the right thing to do?
what is the type of burial in mongolia?
ricky l • Remove
This is a body sariras and should be put into a glass shell - it will not decomposed.
There is a similar body sariras of 3,000 years - very well preserved like a human form - the 6 Patriach Zen Master.(慧能法师)
Search google for body sariras - and you will admire the body sariras - as though a life person sitting in lotus meditation.
- ricky l • Remove
A person in such high meditative state - will experience separation of Mind from Matter (Body) - where the Mind enter into a Samadhi Jhana and Nirvana State - where the body (is not significant) to the Mind and is maintain like animal enter into hibernation - where all 4 Great Elements of the body are preserved and not decompose.
This defy science of decay.ricky l • Remove
So when the Mongolian mention that he is "still alive" - is not totally wrong.
His mind is in the "Supramundane state" and not in the human "mundane state".
His consciousness is the "Supramundane consciousness" - thus fueling his body - and such the body become a body sariras - and will not decay (unless his mind lost his supramundane state and come back to mundane state - then the body will decay). -
ricky l • Remove
Majority will be reborn as 6 realms sentient beings of various realms.
ricky l • Remove
Only people who has attained :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Compassion
(3) Panna Wisdom
and eradicate :-
(1) Ignorance of Universal Law
(2) Hatred
(3) Greed or Attachment to Self or Ego
will like this Master attained Nirvana - of no birth, no death, no karma.
Reverend Rob • Report Abuse
dead is a universal definition. it describes the state where life is extinct and no amount of willfull self-delusion is going to change that.
NEO • Report Abuse
Felt a sense of wonder when seeing the headline: but deeply disappointed on reading further. Billions of people had died since thousands of years ago and to date, no body is really certain about what happen after death, even with few sightings of ghosts and communication with spirits now and then.
Reverend Rob • Report Abuse
the guy is dead and you will not change that fact by repeating your idiotic dogma
Al Leong • Report AbuseI wonder if he can make a full recovery talking to the press just imagine 200 yr old regenerated man ...scientists and doctors can prolong the aging process with this
Reply -
ricky l • Remove
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