In unison, Muslim clerics lash out against Islamic State

ricky l • Remove
Now with the World identifying IS as Satan (the Mara - without a single trace of Compassion - the maxim of evil) appearing in the World disguising themselves as Islamic Caliphate so as not to be fool by the Satan - justice is done.Reply
The World must be unified to stop IS from further harming innocents and protect the World humanity.
The World must not stop in bringing the IS evil-doers to justice by systematically degrading the organisation and eventually eradicating them - so that they will not pose any threat to the World humanity.
However there is an escape path for the IS, if IS :-
(1) Surrender unconditionally
(2) Release all hostages unconditionally
(3) Disband the IS group
(4) Ask for forgiveness for all their wrongdoings
(5) Repent and never again commit to wrongdoings
(6) Subject themselves to legal justice and atone for all their sins done.
For those for have committed atrocities and have perished - they will have to suffer in Hell and burn out all their negative karma, repented before they can be salvage by the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.
ricky l • Remove
The World will be in deep trouble, especially the Islamic World - if ISIL has been mistaken as the caliphate when they are actually Satan in disguise.
Muslims are throwing stone at a pillar in Mecca, this pillar is the ISIL group - that if failure to identify them as Satan - will have fool the Islamic World.
ricky l • Remove
In mundane term, Middle East will be an instance hotspot - where all Middle East Countries will have been embroiled in war fuel by the ISIL group - and there will be no peace in the Middle East and moderate Muslim Countries may succumb one after another - if the ISIL (SATAN) succeeded in disguising themselves as Islamic Caliphate - and attract militants as evil-doers.
And later it will spread to the West - which has already taken place.
And further afar.
ricky l • Remove
Now, the World (Muslims and non-Muslims) must unify to degrade and systematically eradicate the IS group until and unless they :-
(1) Surrender unconditionally
(2) Release all hostages unconditionally
(3) Disband the IS group
(4) Ask for forgiveness for all their wrongdoings
(5) Repent and never again commit to wrongdoings
(6) Subject themselves to legal justice and atone for all their sins done.
ricky l • Remove
The Bodhi Vows of the Divine :-
(1) Every single sentinent beings in the Universe will be salvaged (eg. the maxim of the evil - including Satan) - because they are part of the Universe - no matter how evil Satan is.
(2) But the maxim evil - must repent and renounce wrongdoings - so that they will no longer harm others.
(3) Only then can the evil, Satan - be salvage.
Otherwise it will be :-
a mice faeces - will pollute the whole pot of food if mix with the food.
The mice faeces have to turn into food first - before it can be mixed with other food - so that it will not contaminate the entire pot of food.
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