U.S. defense chief welcomes Saudi offer on troops in Syria

ricky lin 9 seconds
Dealing with ISIS daesh - which is a common enemy to all mankind and all factional groups - and this could be a contingency plan but may fraught with difficulties :-
(1) Large foreign troop into Syria will face the problem of being accused as invasion unless this is agreed by Syria. Else cross fighting between Saudi troop and Syria troop may occur even though the original target is ISIS daesh. This will make the situation even worst as now it involve 2 conventional armies supported by 2 different SuperPower Blocs. If not careful, it may turn into 2 Blocs war.
Hence a Syria Peace Deal will still be the best option - and thereafter proper coordinated strike on ISIS daesh will have less risk of full blown war between 2 Blocs conventional army.
(2) Even though ISIS daesh is successfully defeated say by US blocs with Saudi Army - Syria will still be mired in the ongoing civil war - and exodus of refugees will still continue. Sunnis and Shiites differences will still not be resolved - and there will still be no peace in the Middle East.
Hence settling for a Syria Peace Deal - will still be the priorities - because it solve the root causes of :-
(1) Ending Syria civil war - and resolve the mammoth humanitarian crisis
(2) End the huge refugees problem
(3) Reconcile Sunnis and Shiites

ricky lin 9 seconds
As long as Syria civil war does not end with a Peace Deal, even if ISIS daesh is defeated ---- hotbed of terrorism will still arise - with other terrorist groups taking a different name.
Only when Syria Peace Deal succeeded - then dealing with ISIS daesh will be easy.

ricky lin 9 seconds
Remember, ISIS daesh only succeed to recruit foreign fighters to join them because of Syria civil war ---- Sunnis to fight against Shiites (seen to be oppressing Sunnis).
If Syria strike a Peace Deal - between Sunnis and Shiites --- then the basis in which ISIS daesh attract recruits will collapse.
ISIS daesh has no excuse to remain relevant --- and ISIS daesh will collapse by itself - even if UN muster a united force to defeat them.

ricky lin 9 seconds
To successfully strike a Syria Peace Deal hinge on 2 factors :-
(1) Resolve Shiites and Sunnis differences.
(2) Resolve Assad existence and Oppositions demand for Assad to remove from power.
Only by resolving the 2 above factors - or meet in the "middle" to produce an Intermediate Outcomes --- will lead to a successful Syria Peace Deal.

ricky lin 9 seconds
The continuous airstrike and more intense ground offense in Aleppo and another place by Assad force and Russia - while the Peace Talk is to commence is because of the 2 main reasons :-
(1) Assad existence is threaten and Oppositions demand for Assad to remove from power.
(2) Sunnis and Shiites differences (represent by Opposition Sunnis vs Assad Shiites and Iran Shiite militias) - distrust.
Unless the 2 Blocs can come up with wise solutions to at least "meet in the middle - adopting the Middle Path" ----- striking a successful Syria Peace Deal will be very tough.

ricky lin 9 seconds
To be blunt, if not careful :-
(1) Saudi army cross into Syria to fight ISIS daesh. US bloc airstrike ISIS daesh.
(2) Syria troop see this as invasion and fight Saudi army. Saudi activate its airforce for support. Syria will also activate airforce and may call upon Russia air-defense missile to hit Saudi airforce and Russia airstrike on Saudi troops.
(3) Saudi not happy and will call upon US airstrike to fight Russia fighters and bomb air-defense missile --- and then 2 SuperPower will be thrown into air war.
(4) Then Saudi muster Arab armies to join in the fight and Iran also join in ---- and the whole Middle East erupted into a full blown war.

ricky lin 9 seconds
So the root cause :-
(1) Reconcile Sunnis and Shiites --- to solve Middle East conflict.
(2) And the proxy 1st step - is Assad existence is threaten. Solve this first -- before can proceed to next step - to resolve Sunnis and Shiites differences. Without passing this gate ---- next step cannot proceed.

ricky lin 9 seconds
Do you know why Assad troop and Russia target other factional groups and not focus on ISIS daesh?
Because the whole World is against ISIS daesh - and ISIS daesh can eventually be defeated as it has no support by the World.
But other factional groups has support from other States - and it pose greater danger to Assad existence.
Thus Assad troop and Russia are targeting other factional groups instead of ISIS daesh.
To ensure a successful Syria Peace Deal :-
(1) Address the fact that Assad existence is threaten. Solve this first -- before can proceed to next step - to resolve Sunnis and Shiites differences. Without passing this gate ---- next step cannot proceed.

ricky lin 9 seconds
When Assad existence is not threaten - then talk can proceed as Assad troop will have no basis to attack and bomb the factional groups.

ricky l1 second ago
I am not siding anyone here. Nor am I supporting who is right and who is wrong.
I am just paving the way - to start the Peace talk and ensure the Peace Deal will not fail - by pin pointing the obstacles and pain point and paint a "middle ground" to proceed.

ricky l4 hours ago
If not careful, it can turn into a sunnis vs shiites war in the middle east back by US for sunnis and Russia for shiites.
If handle carefully to strike a peace deal, then it will be a sunnis and shiites reconciliation in the middle east.
Thus this Syria peace deal is so crucial that it must succeed - else it can become disastrous and may pull in superpowers into a proxy sunnis vs shiites war where there will be no winners.

ricky lin 9 seconds
In fact, it will be a historical biblical breakthrough - to finally start the commencement of bringing peace to Middle East - if successfully bring about a Syria Peace Deal ---- because it begin the process of reconciliation between Sunnis and Shiites.
Else, it may bring about a reverse effect of big Sunnis vs Shiites war that will inflame the whole Middle East - and drawing 2 SuperPowers - USA and Russia - into an all-out air war and counter air-defense war.
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