Iraqis running out of food and medicine in besieged Falluja
ricky l11 minutes ago
The humanitarian crisis in Fajullah may warrant an intervention to liberate Fajullah first if the 2 following conditions are met :-
(1) There are sufficient forces to take on Mosul.
(2) There are sufficient forces to liberate Fajullah just like what it did in Ramadi.
After all, the purpose of liberating Iraq - is to save the civilians from sufferings and rebuild Iraq.
If ten of thousands of civilians lives are threatened in Fajullah, then early intervention may be warranted.
With the supply lines in Fallujah cut, i believe the ISIS daesh resistance will not be strong and re-capturing Fallujah should take about a month to do so - just like in Ramadi.

ricky lin 10 seconds
With Fallujah besieged, assume 1 brigade back by armor unit enter into Fallujah.
To clear all the IEDs and booby traps, bangalore torpedo or similar weapons are used to detonate the booby traps.
And then armor infantry is send in to flush out the ISIS daesh and provide escape routes for civilians to leave.
Airstrike can be called in to clear any ISIS daesh troop concentration, mobile vehicles and heavy weapons emplacement
1 month operation should be able to do it?
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