Friday, February 12, 2016

Breakthrough: Scientists detect Einstein's gravity ripples

February 12, 2016

ricky l

In attainment of Supramundane Jhana Samadhi, it is a similar experience like the mundane Universe formation of a Black Hole.
(1) When 1 pointedness nimitta Samadhi Jhana is attained and formed - a powerful suction like gravity (forming gravitational wave) will pull all 5 mental aggregates and all bodily 4 Great Elements into the 1 pointedness nimiita.
This is similar to the formation of a Black Hole that has strong gravity - that pull all celestial bodies into the black hole - forming gravitational wave.
Thus it is known as --- Form = Formless, Formless = Form.
Rupa = Nama, Nama = Rupa.
Emptiness = Form, Form = Emptiness.
Where Black Hole is Emptiness, Celestial Bodies are form.

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