Japan may change temple map icon to avoid Nazi confusion

ricky l1 second ago
This is a Bodhi Heart sign that are inscribed on the chest and heart of a Buddha.
This Bodhi Heart sign symbolise :-
(1) No-Self - 无我,大舍
(2) Universal Compassion - 大慈,大悲
(3) Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧
It is a reversed of Nazi sign that symbolise hatred, greed for power/dictatorship and self-centredness.

ricky l11 seconds ago
This Bodhi Heart - will eventually bring Peace on Earth and salvage all sentinent beings of 10 Realms.
This Bodhi Heart symbolise :-
"Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind." --- in the "Sea of Sufferings" ---- and will salvage all sentinent beings into Final Great Nirvana.

ricky lin 9 seconds
佛教"萬字" 標示 is "卐" (WAN) - it represent infinite, it represent Universal ----- Bodhi Heart.

judgealan6 hours ago
Its amazing actually-its the heart chakra -the symbol shows the 4electromagnetic field lines of the 360degree field expression-
The ancients having no words for it called it holy and from those enlightenment blessed
Truth is ALL biological beings exhibit IONIC field discharges-its part of the biochemical processes that make us alive

ricky lin 9 seconds
Why this "卐" sign is inscribed on the Buddha Heart and Chest.
Because during Enlightenment, the one-pointedness nimitta expand outwards in 10 directions - and then encompass the entire Universe.
When it reach the edge of the Universe, it wrap around the whole Universe.
The bended sign turning clockwise 90 degree - symbolise it has reached the fringe of the Universe - and then turn clockwise to enwrap the Universe ---- with the Enlightened One's Bodhi Heart ----- as Universal Compassion to Salvage all Beings within the Universe.
Hence this Bodhi Heart Sign - is actually an Enlightened Sign - that when fully formed --- become the Dharma Wheel - The Nirvana.
Thus this "卐" is the Enlightened One Bodhi Heart - a "holy sign" of formation of Enlightenment.

ricky lin 9 seconds
The bending clockwise - is due to turning of the clock - advance of time clockwise.
By the way, the who attained Enlightenment - will see the formation of Bodhi Heart sign "卐" into the full blown Dharma Wheel sign of Nirvana --- enwrapping the whole Universe.
Thus this "卐" sign is very holy.

ricky l1 second ago
Even though, Arahat, Pacceka Buddha, Bodhisattva also attained the same Bodhi Heart sign "卐" into the full blown Dharma Wheel sign of Nirvana ---- the honour of Bodhi Heart sign "卐" is inscribed on the Buddha Heart and Chest ---- because Buddha has attained 3 times the Perfection of Nirvana --- and hence is worthy of the Perfected Bodhi Heart sign "卐".

ricky lin 9 seconds
The next coming Buddha that will be worthy of this Bodhi Heart sign "卐" into the full blown Dharma Wheel sign of Nirvana ---- will be the Matrieya Buddha.

ricky lin 9 seconds
Sorry copy the wrong symbol - "卐" - the Bodhi Heart sign should be (卍) turning clockwise to enwrap the Universe.

ricky lin 9 seconds
Matrieya Buddha alert me - I copy the wrong sign ---- ha ha ha !!!

ricky l1 second ago
That is why only Buddha is worthy of the 卍 Bodhi Heart sign --- as 3 times Perfection of Nirvana.

ricky l1 second ago
Thus Buddhist circumbulate a Buddha clockwise - to turn the Dharma Wheel --- is also turning the Buddha Bodhi Heart (卍) - the Universal Compassion to salvage all sentinent beings in the Universe - by enwrapping the Universe.
So do you know why Buddha say - "Turn the Dharma Wheel" to his disciples.
Because Buddha gain Enlightenment by turning his Bodhi Heart (卍) which in turn attain the Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition.

ricky lin 9 seconds
Because the formation of Bodhi Heart sign into a full blown Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition occur very rapidly - in split seconds during Enlightenment.
Only Buddha with 3 Times Perfection of Nirvana - can see this very clearly.

ricky lin 9 seconds
Bodhi Heart sign (卍) - start from the Buddha Heart (of No-Self and Universal Compassion).
The full Dharma Nirvana Fruition of Dharma Wheel - of Buddha Mind (Panna Wisdom) ---- that emit as Aura behind Buddha's head.

ricky l1 minute ago
Buddha can see the formation of Bodhi Heart sign (卍) into a full blown Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition very clearly - because of his extremely powerful Jhana Samadhi - that can see split seconds formation - in an extremely slow, discrete, distinct formation step by step - due to Buddha 3 times Perfection in Nirvana.
Arahat, Pacceka Buddha and Bodhisattva Jhana Samadhi - varies in the strength of Jhana Samadhi - and thus will not be as powerful and as perfect as Buddha in Nirvana.
Arahat, Pacceka Buddha - 1 times Perfection in Nirvana.
Bodhisattva - 2 times Perfection in Nirvana.
Buddha - 3 times Perfection in Nirvana.
Hence Buddha is worthy of the Bodhi Heart sign (卍) sign inscribed in Buddha's chest.

ricky l2 seconds ago
The Bodhi Heart sign started emitting outwards with (+) sign in 4 directions - North, South, East, West into the Universe and when it reaches the fringe of the Universe, begin to bend into (卍) and rotate clockwise in accordance to moving of times and then formed into a Dharma Wheel with infinite spokes in 10 directions in the Dharma Wheel to enwrap the Universe.
This is how Bodhi Heart sign (卍) emit from the Buddha Heart and form into a full blown Dharma Wheel.

ricky l2 seconds ago
It means the Universal Dharma (or Law) arise from the Bodhi Heart.
Success or failure in outcome of Earth or Universe - is contingent on positive and negative Universal Law of Karma.

ricky lin 8 seconds
So how is it Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition is :-
"One Divinity for All Divinity.
All Divinity for One Divinity?"
in short :- "One for All. All for One."?
Because all Arahats, all Pacceka Buddhas, all Bodhisattvas, all Buddhas - have their own Bodhi Heart sign, own Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition - that enwrap the Universe ----- which is in fact "One Divinity" (一真法界)。
When all Arahats, Pacceka Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas' - Bodhi Heart sign (卍) and Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition are superimposed together into 1 Universe ----- representing infinite Bodhi Heart and infinite Dharma Wheel into 1 universe ---- it become the Infinite Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition - into 1 Universe Divinity.
Hence - "One for All, All for One".
Hence - "One Divinity for All Divinity, All Divinity for One Divinity.".

ricky l1 minute ago
Hence - "一真法界,万佛附念“。
It means, 1 Divinity - infinite Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pacceka Buddhas, Arahats --- are Mindful of, provide Blessing to and hold the One Divinity - with Utmost Protection.

ricky lin 8 seconds
This One Divinity (一真法界) is the Full Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition ---- which is emitted by the infinite Buddhas' Bodhi Heart (卍) .
And the One Divinity (一真法界) is the Full Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition - is also the infinite Buddhas' Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruitions.

ricky l7 seconds ago
Hence, Buddhas' Bodhi Heart (卍) - means :-
"Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind."
Because if one being is left behind, if one sand is left behind ---- the One Divinity (一真法界) - is not complete.
Then the whole Universe will need to be rebirth again - to salvage the last being, the last sand ----- and all human mankind will go through the formation of another new Universe, another new Earth, and vicious cycle of birth, living, decay, demise and rebirth in all 10 realms all over again.
Hence, Buddha Bodhi Heart (卍) -
"Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind."
- the Universal Compassion - 大慈,大悲 (OmniBenevolence).
- the Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧 (OmniScience)
- the No-Self - 无我,大舍 (OmniPresence) - that enwrap the entire Universe.
The full blown Dharma Wheel Nirvana Fruition.
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