Friday, February 26, 2016

Activists concerned over more damage to Central Catchment Nature Reserve

February 26, 2016
ricky l

Let us assume that the 1.8 km stretch of roads has 1,000 trees.
For 1,000 trees cost us $2 billion - it means 1 tree cost us $2 million.
Is the tree make up of Gold or Diamond - costing a whooping $2 million per tree.
$2 billion is the taxpayer money and it is a very big sum of money.
Let us look at China.
China is going through an Economic Restructuring, but their Economy is suffering a setback and need alot of money - billions of dollars to defend their currency and prop up their Economy so that their people continue to have jobs.
If China did not have billions and trillions of financial reserve to defend their Economy, do you think China can sustain the Economic setback? Many people will go out of jobs, and there will be social unrest and riot.
In Singapore, we are a small Economy and money is a valuable asset - to protect Singapore to buffer from Economic Shock that the whole World is going through now - and wasting it on some trees ----- are we responsible?
Are we trivialing the hard-earned money and waste it on some trees? And worst still, chase away many house owners and business by skirting?
$2 billion can :-
(1) Build 10,000 houses for Singaporeans
(2) Build 20 Desalination plants to provide fresh waters to 6 million Singaporeans
(3) Finance social welfare for 166,667 low-income household.
(4) Finance automation for 10,000 SMEs to create high-value jobs for Singaporeans
(5) Finance 20,000 PMEs jobs for Singaporeans
etc etc.
Priority should be :-
(1) Human first
(2) Animal second
(3) Trees third
If many Singaporeans got retrenched and still not able to find jobs - do you think it is sound to waste $2 billion on some trees?

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