Russia sends brand new cruise missile ship to Syria: report
February 13, 2016

ricky lin 4 seconds
All parties must ensure that goodwill is extended to ensure the Syria Peace Deal is secured and honored.
The Syria Peace Deal is the best deal for everyone - because in conflict, Syria become the hotbed for terrorism and it is a base that spread terrorism all over the World.
Since the cessation of hostilities is signed, goodwill must be extended to ensure the Syria Peace Deal succeed.
Only then can it resolve the terrorism, refugees and eradicate the ISIS daesh.
By prolonging the war - is at no one's interest. In fact it hurt everyone's interest.

ricky lin 4 seconds
If the cessation of hostilities - is not honor and the Syria Peace Deal fail ---- it may trigger something unpleasant where States may join the Oppositions and trigger a larger civil war.
This must be avoided.
Thus the Syria Peace Deal must succeed.
Only if the Syria Peace Deal succeed - can ISIS daesh be successfully defeated.
ricky l36 seconds ago
If the Syria Peace Deal fail - States will commit their troop to fight in Syria ----- and this will escalate into a big war.
Other States versus Syria troop.
And Russia will have to commit more advanced equipment to stave off the States sponsor fight (who will be using more advanced equipment) ---- and the fight will manifest into something very ugly.
And worst if SuperPower are drawn in - into 2 SuperPower Blocs fight ----- the consequences will be extremely disastrous.
Thus the Syria Peace Deal must not fail, it must succeed.
It must start with the cessation of hostilities and must end by securing the Syria Peace Deal ------ by extending goodwill ---- and all parties meet "somewhere in the middle" ---- where all parties must give-and-take and compromise (you win some, you lose some) ---- to secure the Syria Peace Deal ---- and end the 5 years long sufferings --- that benefit no one.
Everyone suffers.

ricky l1 minute ago
Remember that Syria troop - have been numerically depleted and worn-out by the civil war.
If States sponsor troop move in with new advanced equipment - Syria troop will not be a match for the States sponsored troop.
Russia will be forced to commit more equipment - and Russia will be drawn into something that Russia is not prepared for.
Worst if another SuperPower is forced to be drawn into it - when the civil war escalate into something very ugly - and will trigger 2 SuperPower Blocs war ----- which it is not the original intent of both Blocs.
Thus the Syria Peace Deal --- is the finale to unraveled the dead knots and messy civil war in Syria ---- and the best and probably the only chance left to resolve the Syria crisis once-and-for-all.

Great1 hour ago
Russia did not started this and the west has been criticizing Russia for the Europe's refugee crisis. The Crisis started even before Russia started bombing since last September. The crisis started because of US, UK, European Countries and NATO intervened in Iraq without permission from UN. The refugees are not solely from Syria. They are from Afghanistan too where Americans went declaring they want to save those people from Taliban. The rest are coming from Libya and some even from Pakistan and North Africa like Sudan and so on. From wherever the west has stepped. Where the Russians there starting the problem? Secondly, Medvedev did not mention anything about WW3. Western media is twisting the words as how they have always done. Russia is not the first to decide to send the war ship. It was because of Saudi Arabia who is bending over the ground troops which is supported by the stupid Turks despite peace effort going on. Saudi's are just waiting for green light from US. US defence department yesterday declared that no ISIS are in Aleppo. So who do the Saudis and Turks want to fight against? The Syrian government army? Who are the west to decide as whom should the people of Syria have as their president? Will Americans agree if Russia or China decide Obama is not fit to be their president and should be removed? Will the British like it if outsiders decide that Cameroon should be removed from the post? Let the Saudis enter into Syria. Iran should sent the troops to fight the Saudis and Turks off. Maybe the time has come for the whabbis who are sponsors of Islamic Terrorism to be wiped out from the surface of the world. Saudi ground troops are no match for Iranians. They will be nothing without Saudi aircrafts support. Saudi aircrafts would not be able enter into Syrian airspace against the Russians. Even the US would not dare. They have already withdrawn their F-22 and F-15 from Turkey fearing Russian S-400. Maybe the time has come for the US to experience of wrath of the Russian Nuclear missiles. American patriot missiles performed pathetically during the gulf wars until the Isrealies were pissed. Can read about it Wikipedia. American weapon system will be like the sitting duck F-35. Without any evidence Americans claimed 4 of the 16 missiles fired by Russia warships from the sea dropped in Iran instead. Until now, there are no proves.

ricky l26 seconds ago
Just to explain what is Universal Law of Karma.
Universal Law of Karma - is not administer by One Divinity.
Because One Divinity - has no karma. One Divinity is a Nirvana state where Universal Law of Karma cease - and thus One Divinity does not administer reward or punishment to mundane Universe.
Many religions say that God administer reward and punishment.
This is not true in One Divinity - as karma cease in One Divinity of Nirvana.
Universal Law of Karma only exist in mundane Universe - and is a Law that administer "What you reap, What you sow".

ricky l24 seconds ago
Why in One Divinity Nirvana (一真法界 - 涅槃)has no karma?
Because no stray thoughts will arise in One Divinity Nirvana.
Since no thoughts arises - whether good thoughts or unwholesome thoughts arises --- there will be no karma - whether good karma or bad karma. This is a Perfect State - thus Eternal Bliss, Eternal Peace.
If One Divinity Nirvana has no karma - then how would it administer reward or punishment - and trigger karma?
Thus only Universal Law of Karma - will administer the karma - which is a mirror --- where "One reap, One Sow". The mirror is like Newton Law - we determine our destiny. The mirror don't reward or punish us. We reward ourselves and we punish ourselves through the Universal Law of Karma.
Do Good, Reap Good Outcome.
Do Bad, Reap Bad Outcome.
ricky l1 minute ago
Thus in this Syria Peace Deal --- there is a great opportunity to do good and refrain from bad.
(1) Do Good to Secure Peace - to save many lives in Syria and bring home the refugees - to end their sufferings.
(2) Reconcile Sunnis and the Shiites - and end decades and centuries of Islamic conflict and end Islamic terrorism.
(3) Unified to deal with ISIS daesh threat to the World.
It is a lifetime opportunity.
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