Wednesday, February 24, 2016

LTA's soil check for Cross Island Line could threaten weaker wildlife: NSS

February 24, 2016

ricky l

There are 3 groups of nature conservationists.
(1) Moderate and reasonable one - who can accept the mitigation measures undertaken by LTA - that will minimise impact to the reserves and the animals.
(2) The group that insist must skirt around the reserves - to waste the $2 billion (thinking that money drop from the sky or grow on trees) - and chase many homeowners out of their houses.
(3) Hardcore group that insist no work to be done.
Luckily group 2 and 3 form a very small minorities - as they are the radical, hardcore groups - that cannot work with anyone. Group 1 is the one that is actually working and cooperating with LTA - and reasonable solutions are coming out and save the $2 billion.

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