Skirting the Central Catchment Nature Reserve could cost $2B more: LTA
February 22, 2016

ricky l40 seconds ago
Additional $2 billion is a heavy cost to the Economy.
Should take the following option :-
"One route involves a 4-km direct alignment. Two kilometers of tunnel will be below the CCNR while the remaining 2km will be located outside. There will be no construction on the surface of the reserve."
Even with direct alignment - there is no construction on the surface of the reserve and affect the greenery as well as the animal on top. In addition it is $2 billion less.

ricky l1 minute ago
Additional $2 billion is alot of money to small Economy like Singapore and money don't grow on the trees.
Not to be wasted just to do a re-route to please some natural conservationists - when the direct alignment is 40 meters underground - and will not affect the reserve or the animals on top.

ricky l12 seconds ago
$2 billion can help to finance another tier group of Singaporean Pioneer generation benefits - eg. 50 years to 65 years instead of pleasing the natural conservationists - which is not a problem when build underground without skirting another 2 km.
Else if the natural conservationists insist - let them do crowd funding to fund the $2 billion just for the sake of skirting.

ricky l2 seconds ago
In this year of World Economic downturn the additional $2 billion will be of vital important to help to pump prime the Economy - instead of wasting it just to please some nature groups - which in fact the direct alignment underground don't pose a problem to the nature reserve.
This nature groups thought that money grow on trees or can dig from the ground.

ricky l2 seconds ago
$2 billion can help to provide housing grant to 100,000 household of $20,000 for each household.
I got a better idea, take back the $20,000 housing grant from the nature groups and their supporters to finance their "skirting project" -- so that this nature groups know that money don't grow from trees or dig from the ground.
Otherwise this nature groups talk is cheap - thought money come easy. Talk only.

ricky l12 seconds ago
Then LTA can inscribed their names and photos of this nature group along the 2 km skirting tunnel - so that when the MRT travel along this tunnel ---- all Singaporeans can look at the 100,000 names and photos how noble this nature groups are - for sponsoring this "skirting project" of $2 billion by forgoing their $20,000 housing grant each.

ricky l2 seconds ago
Do you know for $2 billion - how many low income household can be supported?
If $1,000 per month x 1 year is given as financial support to low income household - 166,667 households can receive financial help.
This nature group want to dump this $2 billion into an "unnecessary skirting project" ----- then do we expect 166,667 low income households to forgo their financial support to go hungry?

ricky l1 minute ago
Do you know how many SME the Government can help to automate their operations and provide high-value jobs for Singaporeans for $2 billion?
100,000 SMEs can be given financial grant to help to automate for $2 billion and contribute to the GDP of the Economy.
Do you think should we waste $2 billion for an "unnecessary skirting project" as championed by the nature groups?

ricky l7 minutes ago
Do you know how many people can benefit from tax rebates of $2,000 for FY2016 for $2 billion?
1 million tax payers can benefit from $2 billion tax rebate - instead of wasting on an "unnecessary skirting projects wearing skirts - as champion by the nature groups"

ricky l2 seconds ago
Do you know how many F35B we can buy to protect our Country at US$104 million apiece - 13 F35B stealth fighters for $2 billion.
So are we going to dump $2 billion on an "unnecessary skirting projects - as champion by the nature groups" instead of buying F35B to protect our Country?

ricky l2 seconds ago
$2 billion can set up 2 GLCs and create thousands of jobs for Singaporeans --- rather than feeding the vanity of nature groups to waste on "skirting projects".

seniorcitizen28 minutes ago
Honestly speaking, its not about how much it cost. The question is, is it necessary? Government can afford 20bil if they wanted to. All MRT are foot by the government anyway. Money can earn back, nature once destroyed its a done deal. Like Sungei Buloh, remember they once wanted to turn it into a golf course? By cutting it thru' our only nature reserved, in no time someone will want to built houses along the line. The remaining nature should be preserved it at all cost.

ricky l1 minute ago
Now the nature groups say going underground 40 meters deep without disturbing the natural reserve and water catchment area is not good enough.
Must spend additional $2 billion to skirt around the reserves by chasing other houses out and destroying the surrounding environment - which is quite nonsensical.
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