Russia grounds its warplanes in Syria

ricky l5 seconds ago
Look like there are serious effort from both Blocs to enforce the Peace effort.
This is commendable.
Both Blocs should be determined and have perseverance to ensure the Peace Deal will hold - and lead to a peaceful political process - to end the Syria civil war.
It is both Blocs interest to see that it succeed. I believe it is also the Middle East region to see it succeed. It is also Europe interest to see it succeed. And it is the World interest to see it succeed.

Ardie18 minutes ago
You cannot negotiate with cage burners, child rapers, and the Sunni Islamist filth that wants Syria to fall. You have to kill those people. Syria is the last secular country in the mideast. Putin will have to betray Assad... which he may do, I dunno...but the fall of Syria would mean bad things for all the world, except Obama... it would mean Obama gets a Presidential library like they gave W.

ricky l17 seconds ago
Civilians in Syria deserve another chance to live again.
Civilians have lost their loved ones, their home.
When home, food and water is a given to all people in the World, Syrian civilians are deprived - and do not know when the next meal will come. When home is a given to people all over the World, home is destroyed or damaged without electricity, water, sanitation.
Lives in Syria has no guarantee.
Now is the best opportunity for Syria to secure Peace and build their home - and live again as human beings - not pawn in a killing field or slaughter house.
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