Here's What Happens When You Compare Violence in the Quran to Violence in the Bible

ricky l1 minute ago
3 January 2016
ricky lricky l12 seconds ago
Both the Sunnis and Shiites need to reconcile.
Both the Sunnis and Shiites need to drop the extreme form of teachings - and embrace the peaceful moderate form of Islam.
Both the Sunnis and Shiites need to accept and coexist with other religions peacefully - whether with Christianity, Judaism and other religions.
The World will be peaceful, harmonious and prosper.
ricky lricky l42 seconds ago
Even Catholics and Christianity took many decades to make peace with one another as well as making peace with other religions.
Islam - Sunnis and Shiites are going through the same path - and must make use of this windows of opportunity to make peace with one another as well as making peace with other religions.
Where Catholics and Christianity - means Catholics vs Protestants vs other varied form of Christianity.
ricky lricky l20 seconds ago
How can the Sunnis and Shiites can successfully forged peace and expired the differences of the religious karma seeds (like what the Catholics and Protestant did in 1990s)?
(1) drop the extreme form of teachings that preached crusade, jihad and other violent form of teachings.
(2) embrace the peaceful moderate form of Islam.
Just like the Catholics and Protestants - that drop crusade and other violent form of teachings. And the West embrace human rights, tolerance, peaceful coexistence, establish international laws that promote peace, harmony and prosperity.
Sunnis and Shiites will have to walk the similar path.
This is the Universal Law of Karma (for Peace).
Are we hearing about Christianity terrorism nowadays - where bombs explode here and there just like in the 1990s and earlier?
Now none, but in the 1990s and earlier - it is every now and then.
Now do we hear Islamic terrorism? Yes, every now and then just like the Christianity terrorism in the earlier years.
So do you think Islamic terrorism will cease just like what Christianity terrorism cease (now no one hear of Christianity terrorism)?
My answer is yes.
But both Sunnis and Shiites - have to drop the extreme part of the teachings - and embrace the peaceful moderate form of Islam - just like what the Catholics and Protestants are doing now.
ricky lricky l2 seconds ago
Actually what is the root cause why :-
(1) Christianity - Catholics vs Protestant
(2) Islam - Sunnis vs Shiites
have to go through these centuries and decades of karma seeds - of war, conflict and terrorism ?
The karma seed that cause this is :-
(1) Christianity - only Christian is the right religion - all other religions are false - and will go to hell.
(2) Islam - only Islam is the right religion - all other religions are false - and will go to hell.
It is because of this root cause ----- Christianity and Islam ---- due to Universal Law of Karma (go through centuries and decades of sufferings in "Living Hell") ---- because of this "Mutually Exclusive" concept that go against the Universal Law of Karma.
Only when Christianity embrace mundane practices of Mutually Inclusiveness that include other religions - will the centuries and decades of Christianity conflict, war and terrorism stop.
Islam must do the same - before centuries and decades of Islamic conflict, war and terrorism will stop.
ricky lricky l2 seconds ago
By solving this root cause :- is called :-
(1) Moderate Christianity - one that embrace other religions as well.
(2) Moderate Islam - once that embrace other religions and races as well.
Only by solving this - will resolve the centuries "Biblical karma seeds - of hatred, conflict, war and terrorism" ---- and the World will then be at Peace, Harmony and Prosperity.

ricky l15 seconds ago
Compassion Meditation or Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta) - can reduce and eradicate hatred and violence thoughts, speeches and actions.
One can sit in meditation and silently repeat the following :-
"May I be free from harm and danger.
May I be free from mental sufferings.
May I be free from physical sufferings.
May I take care of myself happily."
"May my enemies be free from harm and danger.
May my enemies be free from mental sufferings.
May my enemies be free from physical sufferings.
May my enemies take care of themselves happily."
"May all beings be free from harm and danger.
May all beings be free from mental sufferings.
May all beings be free from physical sufferings.
May all beings take care of themselves happily."
The yogi in this meditation can attained 1st and 2nd Rupa Jhana Samadhi and reduce or eradicate hatred and violence thoughts, speeches and actions over time.
Here's What Happens When You Compare Violence in the Quran to Violence in the Bible
To the well-informed this staggering statistic should come as no surprise: Fifty-eight percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Islam. And with that comes a laundry list of misinformation about the faith's holy text, the Quran.
But a recent project by data analyst and research marketer Tom Anderson turns one common misconception on its head: that the Quran is more consumed by blood thirst than the Christian Bible. Using text-analysis toolsdeveloped by OdinText, Anderson determined what percentage of the Bible was devoted to discussion of violence and then compared those results to that of the Quran.
The point of the project, Anderson wrote, was to "uncover with as little bias as possible the extent to which any of these texts is qualitatively and/or quantitatively distinct from the others using metrics associated with violence, love and so on."
Of the three books, the project found, the Old Testament is the most violent, with approximately 5.3% of the text referring to "destruction and killing" — the Quran clocked in at just 2.1%, with the New Testament slightly higher at 2.8%.
While the New Testament led in mentions of the concept of love, the Quran leads heavily in mentions of mercy — thanks partially to Allah's title, "the merciful."
Perhaps the most notable difference, though, was between the frequency of positive emotions that surfaced in the Quran when compared to both books of the Bible, as depicted in the chart below.
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Anderson is careful to point out the shortcomings of his findings more than once, noting the sensitivity of the issue his work tackled. By his own admission, his findings are "by no means intended to be conclusive."
"Ours is a 30,000-foot, cursory view of three texts: the Quran and the Old and New testaments," Anderson wrote.
Then there's the inherent issue in using automated tools to generate statistics that do not take context into account.
According to Anderson, the findings challenge the popular notion among Westerners that Muslims subscribe to a particularly violent faith. Indeed, he concluded, "of the three texts, the content in the Old Testament appears to be the most violent."
This sentiment was recently illustrated by Dutch filmmakers Sacha Harland and Alexander Spoor, who read passages to passersby from what they said was the Quran — but actually pulled from the Bible.
"To me, this sounds like they want to oppress you and force you to believe what they believe," one woman told the two.
However, Atlantic contributor Caner K. Dagli wrote that understanding the connection between religion and violence necessitates a deeper kind of analysis.
"Determining what texts 'plainly' say is not as easy as spotting some words on a page," Dagli wrote. "Islam's interpretative tradition exists because the differences between plain and hidden, elliptical and direct, absolute and qualified, are not always obvious."
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