Friday, August 1, 2014

US employers add 209K jobs, rate rises to 6.2 pct.

Solid hiring stretches into 6th month as employers add 209,000 jobs; rate rises to 6.2 pct.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The job of any Government in the World is to provide jobs for their Citizens.
US is no otherwise.
If US is a high-cost based Developed Country - and is able to create good paying jobs for their Citizens, Singapore can also do likewise.

So in Singapore, when the Government are trying to create job opportunities for unemployed Singaporeans, we do not expect foreign article to threaten foreign investors withdrawal.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
And the irony is that foreign article make it as though it is a sin for Singaporeans demanding jobs to be given to them in their own Country Singapore - where many foreigners are happily walking around gainfully employed -- while unemployed Singaporeans are walking around like beggar begging for jobs - and this happen right in their own Country.

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