Friday, August 29, 2014

Here's What Radical Islam Looks Like In The UK

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
A simple cardinal rule :-

As long as a religion preach Spiritual Wellness, Peace, Harmony, Inclusiveness, Patience and Tolerance not only on its own faith but the faith of others - than the religion is a faith that is worth pursuing.

Anything that preach violence, killing, murder, exclusivity, intolerance, cruelty, self-centredness - is a faith that is not worth pursuing
- because it does not bring peace but destruction to self and others,
- because it bring death or injuries instead of healthiness and well-being,
- because it bring hatred instead of compassion,
- because it bring viciousness, Satanic thoughts, acts and speeches - that inspire evilness and not wholesomeness to humanity.

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