ricky l • Remove
Hungry Ghosts can manifest any time of the year - not necessary during Hungry Ghost Month. People with divine eyes can see Hungry Ghosts anytime of the year if the Hungry Ghosts choose to manifest themselves.Reply
Hungry Ghost Month is just a period of festival to commemorate or celebrate Hungry Ghost Festival just like people have new year to celebrate.
Buddhism celebrate Hungry Ghost Month - because it is during this month where an Arahat use his psychic power to transcend into Hungry Ghost realm to look for his Mother and to accelerate her bad karma, get her to fully repent from her past misdeeds and then reborn into a better realm.
ricky l • Remove
How does an Arahat or Bodhisattva use his psychic power to transcend into the Hungry Ghost realm?
Well, it is known as the Jhana Samadhi of 4 Rupa Jhana and if want transcend into Formless Heavenly Realm, will need to attain the 5 Arupa Jhana.
Body and the consciousness and mental aggregates of the mundane world - are the obstacles that prevent such transcend as it need a very discipline mind with 1 pointed-Concentration Jhana Samadhi to overcome the mundane body obstacles and mundane mental aggregates obstacles.
Thus there is always as saying for Arahat and Bodhisattva - "Body is a Pile of Garbage" or 人身本是一副臭皮囊。
Once an Arahat or Bodhisattva attain 4 Rupa Jhana - He can transcend into the Hungry Ghost Realm and other realms such as Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm or Form Heavenly Realm - by remixing the collective consciousness of that particular realm.
To transcend into Formless Heavenly Realm, the Arahat of Bodhisattva will need to attain 5th Arupa Jhana - to traverse boundlessly - into vast, profound Universe of the Formless Heavenly Realm.
It is using the above method that the Arahat use his "psychic power - actually in Jhana Samadhi" - to find His Mother in the Hungry Ghost realm. It is a very tedious and tiring process to use Jhana Samadhi to traverse all the different realms. This is just like tuning to the right radio frequencies or the right TV channel - to synch with that particular realm.
It is recorded that Buddha attain Final Enlightenment - use His Jhana Samadhi to transcend all 10 Realms of 10 directions taking him 49 days - where His Insights are like running videos scouring through "limitless Visions and Insights".
Thus when someone asked the Buddha - what is the Origin of Universe - the Buddha see the Formation of Universe (Samsara) - as endless loop - which is proven by Math.
0 to 1 to Infinity and then 0 loop back with Infinity again - no beginning - no end - unless attain Nirvana.

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Ong • Report Abuse Ricky well said. i have that "ability" very true when u said they manifest anytime of day :)
ricky l • Remove
Some people are born with the "abilities" to see the Hungry Ghosts when they manifest themselves. Some animals are extremely sensitive and can sense the Hungry Ghosts when they manifest themselves.
Arahats and Bodhisattvas are by attainment through meditation - to attain the Jhana Samadhi - with insights to transcend into the realm.
This is the main difference.
ricky l • Remove
There was a bit of mixed up of Hungry Ghosts and Hellish beings.
Hungry Ghosts roam around while Hellish beings are kept in captive and does not roam around.
ricky l • Remove
Actually there are scientific and physics explanation.
Using Jhana Samadhi to transcend into a particular realm - is like "Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum" (FHSS) of radio frequency. When the mix of consciousness and mental aggregates are in the right balance - and in synch with that particular realm - then it is possible to transcend into that realm.
For eg. if tune in to 93.3 FM as transmitter, the other side which is also operating at 93.3 FM and operate as a receiver, the transmitter and receiver will synch and both sides can communicate. Thus the criteria of transcending into a particular realm are as follow :-
(1) One must be in Jhana Samadhi - notably 4th Arupa Jhana - where the Concentraion is at the sharpest, at the maxim. (Note:- to enter into Formless Heavenly Realm - One must be in 5th Arupa Formless Jhana) (一心不乱)
(2) Only when in Jhana Samadhi - can the right mix of consciousness and mental aggregates be remix to easily transcend into a particular realm. (Note:- attaining Jhana Samadhi 1-pointedness Concentration is a big feat - not so easily achievable) - but attaining proximate Jhana Samadhi - is quite easily achievable.
By having the ability to scan the 10 realms in very quick succession like running videos - One has to be in 5th Arupa Formless Jhana or in Fruition - is like "Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum" (DSSS) of radio frequency - where insights, visions arises like running videos. (尽虚空遍法界)
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