ricky l • Remove
So the Dharma Wheel on the top left corner explain the :-Reply
(1) Nirvana
(2) Jhana Samadhi
(3) Black Hole
(4) Supernova into a complex Universe
(5) The Origin of First Cell in Life.
ricky l • Remove
In other words, the Dharma Wheel on the top left corner explain :-
(1) The Origin of Life on Earth - 4 Great Elements of Life - its Physical Form.
(2) The Origin of Universe - 4 Great Elements of Universe and its celestial bodies - its Physical Form.
(3) The Supramundane Jhana Samadhi 1-pointedness Concentration - 5 Mental Aggregates of Rupa Jhana.
(4) The Supramundane Nirvana of 3-Ring Fruition.
Now do people believe that the key of the above mystery has been unravel - all in the Dharma Wheel?
ricky l • Remove
So thank you :-
南无释迦摩尼佛 呀 南无释迦摩尼佛
南无阿弥陀佛 呀 南无阿弥陀佛
for showing us the way of the Dharma Wheel - 转法轮 !!!
ricky l • Remove
When we turn the Dharma Wheel - we learn the Universal Truth.
When we turn the Dharma Wheel - we learn the Orign of Universe.
When we turn the Dharma Wheel - we learn the Origin of Life.
When we turn the Dharma Wheel - we will attain Nirvana, the Final Enlightenment !!!
ricky l • Remove
And Nirvana - is where we rightfully belong and originates !!!
No Birth, No Death, No Sufferings, No Karma, No Stray Thoughts - and 3 Evil Roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred/Anger, Greed/Attachment to Ego is eradicated.
Only Peace, Bliss, Serenity, Equanimity anchor on 3 Wholesome Roots of No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom (无我/大舍,大慈大悲,般若智慧) - remains.
Minus OmniPotent.
ricky l • Remove
Where in Nirvana, we possess the 3 attributes of :-
(1) OmniPresence - the all-encompassing of the Entire Universe - irrespective of the State of Universe, whether expanding or contracting or in a Black Hole or in Supernova.
(2) OmniBenevolence - overwhelming Compassion to salvage and liberate All Sentinent Beings.
(3) OmniScience - true OmniScience of the Entire Nirvana - devoid of mutation in Samsara Universe into an everchanging and complex Universe that are subject to birth, life, decay and demise - that is not possibe to have OmniScience in Universe that is forever changing under the Law of Impermanence - forever mutating into many patterns - but only Directed OmniScience.
ricky l • Remove
See the Dharma Wheel in the top left corner.Reply
The spoke inside the Dharma Wheel represent life within the cell - without mutation - it is just a cell. (It represent Nirvana - a life in itself - no mutation).
The spoke outside the Dharma Wheel represent - mutation of cell into other life form through Evolution. (It represent Samasara Universe - evolving into a complex world of mundane life - which is known as the beginning of 12 Dependant Origination of Life).
ricky l • Remove
This mirror the statement :-
"Now scientists at University College London (UCL) have discovered that LUCA had a "leaky membrane" which allow it to absorb energy from light, while still holding the other components necessary for life inside it.
However, experts say this could only have happened if the membrane was 'leaky' – in that it allowed protons to leave the cell spontaneously, so more could enter to boost growth."
So you like the Zen above?
The phenonmenon above mirror the scientific discovery of the Origin of Life in a Cell.
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