Monday, August 25, 2014

Islamic authority: Extremists no 'Islamic State'

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Yes Moderate Muslims should collectively debunked the ideologies expounded by the ISIS - that has tarnished the Peaceful non-violence nature of Islam.

Moderation does not mean wishy-washy or being a push-over.

Moderation means Middle Path.

Moderation means understand and practice your Spiritual Belief - but accepting others as well (being inclusive) - and not being extremists - ie. only accepting your own view and others are all wrong and cannot be tolerated - ie. being exclusive.

Moderation is achieving Equilibrium - I win, You win - which represent Tolerance, Empathy, Compassion, Patience - all the hallmark of "OmniBenevolence".

And ISIS stand for - Extreme Extremism, Extreme Exclusivity, Extreme Self-Centredness where they accept no one (including their Moderate Muslim brothers) except themselves - which stand for "Satan" - the Exclusive OmniPotent - DEVIL.

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