Thursday, August 14, 2014

Assurance for the middle aged and middle income Singaporeans

Published on Aug 14, 2014 6:54 AM

Good to see the statement below:-

"Middle-aged and middle-income Singaporeans need not feel burdened when it comes to taking care of seniors, and will themselves have room to seize opportunities and succeed, Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing said yesterday.

This environment will be stable yet competitive, where job opportunities can be created, he said at a National Day dinner in Tanjong Pagar, where he is an MP. "We will make sure our middle-income (Singaporeans) continue to keep pace with the demands of life in Singapore," he said, as he reiterated the Government's commitment to take care of all Singaporeans. "

I am a middle aged mature PMET currently uemployed.

As long as I am able to find a suitable job soon till official retirement, I will be grateful.

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