Singapore can do ‘very little’ about fear of self-radicalisation rising from Gaza conflict: K Shanmugam
By Nurul Azliah Aripin | Yahoo Newsroom – 17 minutes ago
ricky l • Remove
I think Singaporeans other than expressing support on the basis of fairness and justice - should not go further by involving directly like radicalising and participating in other Countries affairs or warfare.Reply
There are many geopolitical influence and power juggling especially in the Middle East - not a simple matter of Religion.
Moreover all Religions preach Peace, Harmony, Justice and Fairness - under the priniciple of No-Self, Compassion/Mutual Inclusivness and Panna Wisdom for Spiritual Attainment - NOT involve in violence, murder and mass killings.
Singaporeans blessed with a Peaceful and Prosperous Country - should attempt to influence other Countries by emphasizing our success story of Peace, Harmony among the different races, culture, languages to achieve Prosperity - and achieving mutual respects of different races, culture, languages not only within our Country - but also with Other Countries.
Singaporeans should not set bad example by joining conflicting countries - by taking up arms and weapons to fight in other Countries - and condemn yourself to commit the sin of murders, mass killings and violence - in which in Religion term - condemn yourself to Hell.
Singaporeans should bring positive values to others in conflict and violence - to coax and encourage people in conflict to put down their arms, to refrain from violence, mass killings and murder - to participate in dialogue and resolved problems through Peaceful means - which is Paradise-bound, Heaven-bound, Nirvana-bound.
ricky l • Remove
Here are what is observed in Israel and Hamas wrongdoings :-
The Hamas starting the war by kidnapping and killing 3 Israelis teenage is not right.
The radical Jews that retaliate by burning to death a young Palestinian is also not right.
The Hamas firing many rockets into Israel on civilians targets and building tunnels into Israel and Egypt to launch attack is not right.
The Israel retaliation that cause so many Gaza civilians casaulties especially in UN run schools and hospitals is not right.
The Hamas hiding rockets and firing from UN run institutions is not right.
And lastly, the Hamas that breach so many negotiated truce and ceasefire is not right.
Thus, military conflict is always destructive and never constructive.
ricky l • Remove
Having say so Singapore is a Prosperous Country - but still many mature Singaporean PMETs and Workers still cannot find jobs.
Got job boh?
ricky l • Remove
There are no such thing as "honour killing in the name of religion" - because Supreme Beings of the Religion - only have No-Self, Compassion/Mutual Inclusiveness and Panna Wisdom - and will definitely not want sentinent beings to suffer or cause others to suffer to come to Him in Paradise, Heaven, Nirvana.
Only Devil can only entice sentinent beings to come to Him in the name of Religion - by enticing sentinent beings to kill others and kill themselves - where Hell is Devil is.
ricky l • Remove
Then what is the properties of Hell realm?
It is associated with :-
(1) Great Pain of the 4 Great Elements (Matter, Air, Temperatures, Liquid) that are so excruciating
(2) Deep Sufferings in the 5 Mental Aggregates (Consciousness, Feelings, Perception, Judgement, Mental Formation) that are so great that Hell seems like long, enduring and eternal.
For examples of Great Pain of the 4 Great Elements & the Deep Sufferings in Hell suffer by sentinent beings:-
(1) Sentinent beings do not have complete body - where their body parts are torn into pieces suffering in great pain, burn alive, fried alive, lynch alive ....
(2) Sentinent beings suffer from thirst with no water to soothe their body, where there are water, they are so filthy or too hot or too cold - where sentinent beings suffer.
(3) Sentinent beings gasp for breath with very limited air to sustain their lives or with polluted poisonous air that they suffocate.
(4) Sentinent beings suffer from extreme coldness or extreme hotness - that make them suffer immensely.
(5) Sentinent beings 5 sense-consciousness are so unpleasant that will instill fear - fear of sufferings, fear for their lives being taken away the next second, the next minute, deep worries, deep vexation, immemse sufferings of all his 5 sense consciousness.
(6) Sentinent beings only suffer deep feelings of suffering and pain - no even a second respite of relief.
(7) Sentinent beings have no hope of the future.
(8) Sentinent beings only want to know - when he will die and how he die the next minutes and next seconds.
So are you sure Singaporeans want to participate in other Countries - through radicalisation - the so called "religions war" - only if you know it is devil calling for "Hell-bound duty".
Wonder how to tune the frequency to let them see how "negative karma - that are hell-bound" and see the actual state of Hell.
ricky l • Remove
Law of Physics - Law of Relativity (Peace vs Chaos)
If sentinent beings enjoy the bliss of Paradise, Heaven, Nirvana (associated with Happy feelings, Bliss, Peace, Equanimity, Serenity, No Suffeigns) there will be an opposing poles of bliss - ie. Immense Sufferings, Sadness, Grief, Pain, Violence, Vexation - associated with Hell.
ricky l • Remove
Those who attempt to save or save others - will be Paradise-bound, Heaven-bound, Nirvana-bound - associated with Happy feelings, Bliss, Peace, Equanimity, Serenity, No Sufferings.
Those who attempt to kill others or instigate others to kill others - will be Hell-bound - associated with destruction, pain and sufferings.
Thus there is a proverb.
It means :- Saving lives, the merits surpass any form of holy offerings.
Ah to let Singaporeans see and experience hell :-
(1) Take a knife and cut your hand - see blood - pain or not?
(2) Take a stone and drop it on your leg - pain or not?
(3) Make yourself wet and turn on the aircon below 15 degree Celsius - cold or not?
(4) Start a fire - and put your hand over the fire - pain or not?
(5) Hold a firecracker and light it - wait for it to explode on your hand - pain or not?
(6) Hold your breath and don't breathe - see your face turn purple or not?
(7) Smoke out yourself in a room - can breathe or not?
(8) Let a barking dog run after you and try to bite you - scare out of your life or not?
All these are just mild experience of Hell.
Hell realm is far worst than the above.
ricky l • Remove
Then got Paradise, Heaven, Nirvana don't want to go,
why choose Hell?

sob r • Report Abuse
There was and still is, no proof that Hamas did the kidnapping. Israel started to raid Gaza and arrested many Palestinians, including Hamas members who were released under the exchange of hostage. There are many Jews with conscience who are against what the Zionists are doing : Brutal blockade to ensure Palestinians live just at the lowest subsistence level.
I wonder what Singapore's opinion on the blockade is.
Having said that, I totally agree with the suggestion that we should not go beyond humanitarian support fro justice and fairness. This is NOT our war, and supporting one or the other would only bring us problems which we may not be able to get out of. However, when you watch the news in English last night, we can't help that Singapore leaders show a leaning towards Israel. Perhaps this is because we do owe them for their assistance Ito develop our SAF, CD etc, when no one would want to help us.
As a small nation, we cannot do much. But we can use this as a lesson for us all to appreciate peace and harmony. This is a timely message as we celebrate our National Day. No one can guarantee our future, except ourselves.
Ihs51 • Report Abuse
If you can find "fairness and justice" in the "lope-sided" conflict all the time i rest my case ! No one likes war or conflict - it is a no win situation especially for the innocent civilians on both sides but let us not look away from reality and facts just because the " fifth largest military" in the world plays victim all the time. This is a genocide. Let's all be frank. It is always good to know the oppressed from the OPPRESSOR !
MOHD • Report Abuse
Jews from us and europe can go back to israel to fight hamas but when muslim go they are call terrorist...??
Lah • Report Abuse
@MOHD, you can go but don't ever come back.
ricky l • Remove
In Human realm, when we killed and murder - we will be destined to Hell.
But in Hell realm - which is the lowest denomination of woeful state - there are no where else to go.
Thus Hell Realm beings have to live and then die and then relive again in hell and die again and again ---- until they finally burnt out all their negative karma - and genuinely and fully repent before they can be reborn into a better realms.
The Hell Realm beings - will have no choice but to genuinely and fully repent because they suffer the worst form of pain and sufferings - never experience by any beings in all the 10 Realms.
So why choose Hell when you can choose Paradise, Heaven or Nirvana?
When you live in Singapore, appreciate the "Paradise" we live in - and do not get yourself radicalise and join other Countries to fight on cause - that we do not even know what you are in for - because there are too many geopolitical influence, power juggling and power play in the areas of conflict ----- and you will just be a sacrifical lambs - die for the sake of not even knowing what you are dying for - and then get yourself condemn to Hell - for long, enduring and one that seems eternal in Pain and Sufferings - never experienced by any beings of all 10 Realms.

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