Saturday, August 2, 2014

Earth may not be able to dodge dangerous 'solar bullet' again

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Have posted this before :-
But, the horrible vision of the Earth (not so much about the World) - being blown apart in a massive explosion - occur a few times on and off for the past many years ...............

Not sure whether :-
Scenario (1) is it nuclear explosion (this is man-made - which is avoidable)


Scenario (2) inter-celestial object hitting into Earth (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray)


Scenario (3) Earth suck into a Black hole (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray).


This solar flare look like Scenario (2).
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Yes 2012 suppose to be the end of the World through 小三灾 (natural disaster like this one, war, epidemic) - but Human race managed to miraculously escape.

    Human experience the :-
    - solar flare plus others like typhoon, volcano, earthquake etc,
    - experience Mers, H7N9,
    - near military skirmishes like the Korea missile crisis, East & South China sea skirmishes, Middle East conflict.

    But somehow, Human managed to survive all those in 2012.

    Now in 2014, we have the 3 hotspots to worry about, plus Mers (seem to be under control) but Ebola has lost control in West Africa.
    ricky l
  • 0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l a second agoRemove
The only way to stop Human Race from extinction through 小三灾  (natural disaster like this one, war, epidemic) is to :-
Manifest 3 Wholesome Inherent Roots of Human :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Compassion and Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom - in coming up solutions that will cool tension and calm temper.

Keep Manifestation of 3 Unwholesome Inherent Evil Roots of Human :-
(1) Ignorance and Self-Centredness
(2) Hatred and gross manifestation of anger and temper
(3) Contain greed and prevent attachment to views that will promote conflict and confrontation.

Only the Manifestation of 3 Wholesome Inherent Roots of Human - in this Dharma Ending Age - will prevent Human Race from facing the possibility of Mass Extinction - World War 3.

The moment 3 Unwholesome Inherent Evil Roots of Human become dominant - like what happen to World War 1 and World War 2 - Human Race will be doomed.....

Be Mindful ! ! !
Note :- 2012 end of the World miraculous escape from Human Race extinction - is due to the mainfestation of :-

3 Wholesome Inherent Roots of Human :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Compassion and Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom

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