Catastrophic solar superstorm is overdue to hit Earth, scientist says
By Andrew Fazekas | Geekquinox – Mon, Aug 4, 2014
ricky l • Remove
To be honest, we on Earth are at the Dharma-Ending Age - (ie. Human and Animal Realm - is close to coming into a some sort of catastrophe - as part of Universal Law of Impermanence).Reply
Thus many major religions has predicted some sorts of Final Salvation for followers and some religions aspire to have Final Salvation for all sentinent beings.
And the vision of a massive explosion hitting Earth through 小三灾 (Natural Disaster - including cosmic events, war and epidemic) - did surface a couple of time since 911.
But I think Human need not be too worried that we are finally doom - because death is a certainty for eveyone - the moment we are born. It is how we demise and when we demise. And everything in this Universe (including Earth) will demise one day - under the Universal Law of Impermanence.
Then what can we do if cosmic events that may impact Earth - that cause disaster comes?
Manifest Supramundane Nirvana properites of Eternal Bliss and Peace - of no birth, no death, no karma.
Then what are the Supramundane Nirvana properites?
They are :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Compassion and Mutual Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom
That is, mainfest our 3 Wholesome Inherent Roots of Human :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Compassion and Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom
and pray - to elicit 10 Directions Supramundane Nirvana strength to again deflect the cosmic events that may hit Earth - like how we and Earth miraculously escape from the 2012 solar events.
It is Human collective energy and building positive collective karma that will elicit positive energy to deflect and prevent major disaster from hitting Human Races.
Reduce and prevent manifestation of 3 Unwholesome Inherent Evil Roots of Human :-
(1) Ignorance and Self-Centredness
(2) Hatred and gross manifestation of anger and temper
(3) Contain greed and prevent attachment to views that will promote conflict and confrontation.
Because the Manifestation of 3 Wholesome Inherent Roots of Human - in this Dharma Ending Age - will create negative karma on Human Race and may accelerate Human possibility of facing Mass Extinction through 小三灾 (Natural Disaster - including cosmic events, war and epidemic) .
Be Mindful ! ! !
Note to repeat again:- 2012 end of the World miraculous escape from Human Race extinction - is due to the mainfestation of :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Compassion and Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom
ricky l • Remove
Have posted this a couple of times before :-
But, the horrible vision of the Earth (not so much about the World) - being blown apart in a massive explosion - occur a few times on and off for the past many years ...............
Not sure whether :-
Scenario (1) is it nuclear explosion (this is man-made - which is avoidable)
Scenario (2) inter-celestial object hitting into Earth (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray)
Scenario (3) Earth suck into a Black hole (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray).
This solar flare look like Scenario (2).
ricky l • Remove
However, the simple message is :-
Human Races should collectively :-
(1) Do good - do good will reap good karma
(2) Don't do bad or do evil - do bad or do evil will reap bad karma
To deflect or prevent 小三灾 (Natural Disaster - including cosmic events, war and epidemic) from wiping out the Human Races and the Animal realm causing mass extinction on Earth - like the fate of the Dinosaur.
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentA Yahoo User • 42 seconds ago Report Abuse
ricky.... seriously dubya tee eff?
" manifest supramundane nirvana properties of eternal bliss and peace"?
dude, i've experienced a whole bunch of 'heroic doses' in my time and all you're describing is static boredom..... supramundane nirvana properties? seriously? do you pick up chicks with this fake intellectualism?
as for prayer, talking to imaginary people is a psychosis. and you ricky, i suspect are highly, and i do mean highly, psychotic. time to change your script.
" manifest supramundane nirvana properties of eternal bliss and peace"?
dude, i've experienced a whole bunch of 'heroic doses' in my time and all you're describing is static boredom..... supramundane nirvana properties? seriously? do you pick up chicks with this fake intellectualism?
as for prayer, talking to imaginary people is a psychosis. and you ricky, i suspect are highly, and i do mean highly, psychotic. time to change your script.
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemove
up to you to believe or not.
You can read the posts as fairy tale if you don't believe it.
You can read the posts as fairy tale if you don't believe it.
ricky l • Remove
Just like some believe in God.
Some attain Jhana and Nirvana. But how to make people (majority of them) who has not attained Jhana and Nirvana - believe in Nirvana when they have not?
So those who have attained Jhana and Nirvana - can only tell what they experience and what they see.
Whether those people who have not attained Jhana and Nirvana - believe it or not is up to them. Only when those events come, they will believe it - but will it be too late.
It is convenient for those who have not attained dismissed those who attained as psychosis - because they fail to understand the significance of those visions and insights - until something hit as "predicted" - or rather what the attained see in the visions or insights.
ricky l • Remove
Those who heed the advice from the visions or insights - will have "escaped" an impending disasters.
Those who choose not to will have to learn from it.
Simple message - no need to believe, no need to argue.

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Arahats who attained the Final Nirvana are currently very rare in the World and they normally keep their attainment to themselves and only known to a small circles - who are normally their Dharma Protectors.
Only those who aspire to be Bodhisattva (who are very rare) will pre-warned untoward events that are coming - especially when the visions or insights become very apparent.
ricky l • Remove
And why many Arahats keep to themselves about their Attainment - precisely because Humans who don't understand their Attainments - will think they are psychosis or even persecute them.
That is why Buddha when attained the Final Enlightenment initially refused to preach the Dharma - until He was persuaded to salvage Human Beings.
And indeed throughout Buddha's Life in preaching the Dharma - He face alot of obstacles and people challenging Him, ridicule Him and even label Him as psychosis.
Thus to be a Living Bodhisattva is not a "Glamorous job" - only their Bodhi Vows to salvage sentinent beings keep them going to practise Mahayana - ie. self-salvage and salvage others - even though they know at some points in time they will face obstacles, hindrance, persecution and people may even label him as psychosis.
ricky l • Remove
For eg. Jesus who learn the Dharma from 2 India Arahats along the Silk Road - finally practise Mahayana by preaching Christianity as Bodhisattva.
But He eventually was still crucified - and during His final dinner with His disciples - He know His fate that He will be betrayed by His disciples and will be persecuted and be killed.
ricky l • Remove
A very well known Buddhist Monk in Singapore who practise Mahayana as Living Bodhisattva is 宏船法师 who passed into PariNirvana with many sariras decades ago.
He provided many insightful visions that have benefitted many people in Singapore.
ricky l • Remove
You can see 六祖慧能 (Venerable Hui Neng) body sariras who is a Living Bodhisattva in the URL below :-
六祖慧能 (Venerable Hui Neng) is a illiterate but attained His Arahatship who experience Nirvana.
But all his fellow monks persecute Him because He did not learn any Dharma in the temple in which He work as a temple keeper while the rest of the monks can recite all the Dharma scripts inside out.
The monks don't believe He has attained Nirvana except the Temple Chief Abbot who know His Attainment through Zen (the Silent Discourse).
六祖慧能 (Venerable Hui Neng) has to run away from the temple after the Chief Abbot passed away as His fellow monks persecute him.
Only after hiding in a hunter's home for many years and the rest of the monks had forgotten about Him before He can come out to practise His Mahayana to Self-Salvage and Salvage Others.
So 六祖慧能 (Venerable Hui Neng) as Living Bodhisattva Zen Master had to go through many trial, tribulation and difficultes even persecution by others - and is never easy to be a Living Bodhisattva.
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