Sunday, August 17, 2014

Loosening ties between people and government worrying: ESM

Posted on Aug 17, 2014 12:14 AM Updated: Aug 17, 2014 12:14 AM


The bond between the Government and the People will not be broken if :-

(1) People are assured of good job opportunities

(2) Good standard of living

This is the success formula that the Government has been assuring Singaporeans since Independence - and this success formula must be uphold so that the bond between the Government and the People will not be broken.


Nobody in the right mind will want to break their iron rice bowl - if there is an iron rice bowl that they are already holding - unless their iron rice bowl have been broken - and for a long time not able to find another rice bowl - to feed themselves, their families and their dependents.

This is a normal human nature.


Thus i don't think the bond between the Government and the People will be broken easily - if People are able to hold on to their iron rice bowl or are able to find a new iron rice bowl if they lose one.

This is the main grouse or worry of many Singaporeans.


I think no one will want to kill the goose that lay the golden eggs.

As long as the Government can continue to ensure :-
(1) People are assured of good job opportunities
(2) Good standard of living

I don't see how the Government will lose the bond with the People.

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