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Actually the next realm after the realm of Human realm and Animal realm - will be the Asura realm or the Realm of the Titan (a more intelligent beings than Human and Animals).
The alien sightings or traces of evidence seems to suggest this.
And Asura Realm - has a Physical State of Existence - ie. a place and environment of dwelling like Human Realm and Animal Realm.
This is unlike Formless Heavenly Realm and Nirvana Realm - where the Physical State of Existence - is enmeshed with the State of the Entire Universe - whether in Black Hole, in Supernova, in Expansion or in Contraction - ie. OmniPresence.
The alien sightings or traces of evidence seems to suggest this.
And Asura Realm - has a Physical State of Existence - ie. a place and environment of dwelling like Human Realm and Animal Realm.
This is unlike Formless Heavenly Realm and Nirvana Realm - where the Physical State of Existence - is enmeshed with the State of the Entire Universe - whether in Black Hole, in Supernova, in Expansion or in Contraction - ie. OmniPresence.
ricky l • Remove
Please note :- if the Entire Universe ever contract and collapse into a Big Black Hole - under the Universal Law of Impermanence - where are Physical State of Existence will be born, live, sick and demise for anything in the Universe.
2 Realms will survive - ie. Formless Heavenly Realm and Nirvana Realm - where Formless Heavenly Realm will form the (1) (色) - the most subtle form of Existence - & Nirvana Realm will form the (0) (空) or Emptiness - the 2 lowest denomination of 0 & 1.
Thus some Religions preach - (1) Heaven
And some Religions preach - (0) Nirvana of Emptiness
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And hence the Religions that preach - (1) Heaven - has the notion of OmniPotent (称霸) - at its last and final state of (1).
Whereas the Religions that preach - (0) Nirvana of Emptiness - being Empty - has no notion of OmniPotent.
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0 & 1 - is the Physics Law of Relativity.
It also means :- Physical (1 - State of Existence) & Mental (0 - Formless Mind).
When extrapolated :-
(1) Physical - are 4 Great Elements (Matter, Air, Temperature, Liquid)
(2) Mental - are 5 Mental Aggregates (Consciousness, Feeling, Perception, Judgement, Mental Formation).
ricky l • Remove
And because 0 (Emptiness) has no Physical State of Existence - that will threaten its survival - and thus need to defend itself to ensure it continue to ensure its State of Existence - thus no notion of OmniPotent (称霸) arises - thus Nirvana has 3 Wholesome attributes of :-
(1) No-Self, Selfless
(2) Compassion & Mutual Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom & Insights
- but NO Omnipotent
Because (1) (Formless Heavenly) still have a subtle form of Physical State of Existence - where at its last and final State - eg. collapsing into Big Black Hole - its very subtle form of Physical State of Existence will still be threaten thus it still have a very SUBTLE FORM of :-
(1) Self or Ego or Self-Centredness or Greed or Attachment to subtle form of Self because of the (1) or OmniPotent - when His Arupa Formless Jhana - is threatened on its most subtle form of Existence
(2) Subtle form of Hatred/Anger
(3) Subtle form of Ignorance of Nirvana
Thus Nirvana is the Final Form of Attainment - the Final Enlightenment.
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Formless Heavenly Realm - still has subtle form of consciousness (ie. subtle form of stray thoughts) - 起心动念 - hence there is a subtle form of existence - even though their realm is formless - but Omnipresence is still not all-encompassing.
Nirvana - has attain Emptiness (no stray thoughts - hence all karma cease, no birth, no death, no sufferings as all 3 evil roots of existence are eradicated) - hence Physical state of existence cease - True Omnipresence - all-encompassing of the State of Universe.
This is the very subtle differences of Formless Heavenly Realm vs Nirvana Realm.
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To Summarise :-
The Religions that preach "God" - refer to (1) of OmniPotent
The Religions that preach "Emptiness" - refer to (0) of Emptiness
both require one another because :-
God - refer to "creation" of human beings and other beings in the Universe - Adam & Eve (which actually means 12 Dependant of Origination of Life) - the creation of Life and Physical Existence - Law of Impermanence, Karma, Administration of Justice.
Emptiness - refer to Nirvana - the final Bliss, Peace, No sufferings, No birth, No death, No karma, No sufferings - the Law of Permanence.
ricky l • Remove
Otherwise, if no co-existence of (0) & (1) - where got Physics of Law of Relativity, 色是空, 空是色?

23 Century • Report Abuse
Ever since our technology have improve over time. More sightings of aliens and evidences are collected. Just that the government wants to censor and keep the real evidence by themselves to restore order. Imagine if our government were to admit to the public that alien exists. It will create CHAOS where religions claim that only human being are created by God. All Market crash as human being future are uncertain and investor lose hope. Everyone lose their job and face hunger and the whole world will come to a stop.Reply
- ricky l • Remove
Buddhism did not claim that human being are created by God.
Buddhism mention that human beings are born in Earth - through 12 Dependant Origination of Life.
Buddhism did not say that in this Universe, there are only Human, Animal, Hell and Heaven.
Buddhism mention 10 Realms Beings.
(1) Buddhas
(2) Bodhisattvas
(3) Pacekka Buddhas
(4) Arahats - and other 3 Sainthoods
(5) Heavenly Beings - Sensual Desire Heavenly, Form Heavenly, Formless Heavenly
(6) Asura - the realm of the Titans
(7) Human
(8) Animals
(9) Hungry Ghosts
(10) Hell - 168 Major and Minor Hells.
- ricky l • Remove
This is a more complete list of 10 Realms Beings - expounded by Buddhism :-
(A) Nirvana Realms - 4 Nirvana Realms
1. Buddha Supramundane Nirvana Realm (including 1 Amituofo Pureland Realm - for those that still have not attained Nirvana to practise until they attained Nirvana)
2. Bodhisattva Supramundane Nirvana Realm - 33 planes
3. Pacekka Buddha Supramundane Nirvana Realm
4. Arahat Supramundane Nirvana Realm (plus other 3 Saints Realm of Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami)
(B) Heavenly Supramundane Realm
1. Formless Arupa Heavenly Supramundane Realm
a. Nothingness and Non-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
b. Perception and Non-Perception Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
c. Infinite Conscious Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
d. Infinite Space Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
2. Form Rupa Heavenly Supramundane Realm
a. 4th Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 7 sub-realms
b. 3rd Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms
a. 2nd Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms
b. 1st Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms
3. Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
a. Paranimmitavasavatti Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
b. Nimmanarati Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
c. Tusita Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
d. Yama Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
e. Tavatimsa Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
f. Catummaharajika Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
C. Human Mundane Realm
1. Eg. Chinese, Malay, English, Japanese, German, Italian, Russian, African etc etc etc etc ----- so many races.
D. Animal Realm
1. Eg. Poultries - like chicken, duck etc
wild animals - like lion, tiger, elephant etc
sea animals - like shark, whale, fish, etc
insects - like bees, butterflies etc
microorganisms - like paramecium, bacteria, virus etc
etc etc etc
E. Asura Paranormal Realm (or Titans) - that live with Tavatimsa Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm and with extreme jealousy to combat the Tavatimsa Heavenly beings.
F. Hungry Paranormal Ghosts Realm (or Petas) - Hantus
1. Eg. found in cemeteries, forest or places they are afflicted with - that live in the same world as Humans except Humans cannot see them. Only if they manifest themselves or those with divine eyes can see them.
G. Hell Paranormal Realm
1. 8 Great Hells of increasingly intensity of torments.
a. Avici Great Hell (lowest & most terrible Hell).
b. Maha Tapana Great Hell
c. Tapana Great Hell
d. Maha Roruva Great Hell
e. Sanghata Great Hell
f. Kalasutta Great Hell
g. Sanjiva Great Hell
(Each Great Hell have 4 side with 5 minor hells. In total, there are 168 hells
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