Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Nasa X-Ray Telescope Captures Rare Event of Blurring of Light Near Black Hole

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The below statement is one of the 3 fears - that may cause the Earth to perish in a vision of massive explosion on Earth :-
"A black hole forms when a massive star exhausts its nuclear fuel. With no energy available to oppose gravity, the star collapses. Much of the material is flung outwards in a great supernova blast, while the rest falls inward, forming a black hole of only about 10 solar masses."

All the 3 visions may occur in succession (one after another) or may happen in one vision or may happen in 2 visions - that destroy Earth.

Have posted this a couple of times before :-
But, the horrible vision of the Earth (not so much about the World) - being blown apart in a massive explosion - occur a few times on and off for the past many years ...............

Not sure whether :-
Scenario (1) is it nuclear explosion (this is man-made - which is avoidable)


Scenario (2) inter-celestial object hitting into Earth (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray)


Scenario (3) Earth suck into a Black hole (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray).

Scenario 1 can happen first, thereafter Scenario 2 and then Scenario 3 - where all Humans will be wipe out in any of the Scenarios in this Dharma Ending Age.

But Scenario 1 - is becoming more and more possible - since the 3 hotspots and 1 baby hotspots are fuming red.
(1) Middle East hotspot - the middle of Middle East caliphate.
(2) East Europe hotspot - the Ukraine crisis that may pull in the SuperPowers.
(3) Asia Pacific hotspot - that if ignited may pull in all the SuperPowers.
(4) Baby hotspot - the West Africa Ebola crisis and the boko haram.

How to save all these and prevent all the scenarios from happenings?
Manifest :- No-Self, Compassion, Panna Wisdom.
Control or eradicate :- Ignorance, Hatred/Anger, Greed/Attachment to wrong views.

If not the Dharma Wheel at the top left corner will represent - the Massive Explosion that will end the Earth and the end of Human Race !

南无阿弥陀佛 !!!

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
So let us recap :-
So the Dharma Wheel on the top left corner explain the :-
(1) Nirvana
(2) Jhana Samadhi
(3) Black Hole
(4) Supernova into a complex Universe
(5) The Origin of First Cell in Life.
plus point number (6) The End of the Earth and Human Life through Massive Explosion in this Dharma Ending Age.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
And if anyone say that the above is not possible or rumour-mongering, then it is as good as saying - "Human after born, will not die and become an immortal".

Because, anything - including life, human life, any celestial bodies, planet, sun etc in the Universe are subjected to the Universal Law of Impermanence - ie. it will birth, live, sick, demise and then reborn.

Demise is certain when born - the only thing is "When"?

Thus our job is to postpone the demise as long as possible while we live Peacefully and enjoy Prosperity within our means and what the Earth and Universe provide us with.

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