Wednesday, August 6, 2014

'Kill Jews to the Very Last One': Italian Imam Expelled After Anti-Semitic Sermon
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
If you attend a religious class, the religious leader talk about wholesome values that are anchor on :-
(1) No-Self, Selfless ---- (a hallmark of a Saint)
(2) Compassion and Mutual Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom
for the benefits of all sentinent beings ---- then you know that you are in the right class -- that will prepare you to Paradise, Heavens or Nirvana.

But if you attend a religious class, and the religious leader talk about unwholesome values such as hatred, killings, greed, genocide, exclusiveness that are anchor on :-
(1) Self-Centredness, Selfishness, Ignorance of Universal Law
(2) Hatred, Anger and Exclusiveness
(3) Greed / Attachment to wrong or unwholesome view
that intend to hurt their followers and harm other sentinent beings ---- then you know that you are in the wrong class -- that will prepare you to woeful states of Hell (Major and Minor Hells - all in different intensity of pains and sufferings) & Hungry Paranormal Ghosts Realm (or Petas) - Hantus or Pontanak

A. Hungry Paranormal Ghosts Realm (or Petas) - Hantus or Pontanak
1. Eg. found in cemeteries, forest or places they are afflicted with - that live in the same world as Humans except Humans cannot see them. Only if they manifest themselves or those with divine eyes can see them.

B. Hell Paranormal Realm
1. 8 Great Hells of increasingly intensity of torments.
a. Avici Great Hell (lowest & most terrible Hell).
b. Maha Tapana Great Hell
c. Tapana Great Hell
d. Maha Roruva Great Hell
e. Sanghata Great Hell
f. Kalasutta Great Hell
g. Sanjiva Great Hell
(Each Great Hell have 4 side with 5 minor hells. In total, there are 168 hells).

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
This is because Supreme Beings in :-
--- possess 3 Important Qualities :-
(1) No-Self, Selfless ---- (a hallmark of a Saint)
(2) Compassion and Mutual Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom

And do not possess the following attributes :-
(1) Self-Centredness, Selfishness, Ignorance of Universal Law
(2) Hatred, Anger and Exclusiveness
(3) Greed / Attachment to wrong or unwholesome view
that are Hell-bound, Hungry Ghost-bound.

How can a Supreme Beings dwelling in Paradise, Heavens and Nirvana - tell their disciples to sin by killing, mass murder, commit genocide - when Paradise, Heavens and Nirvana are so pure, bliss, peace, equanimous, serene - and let blood smear their Blissful Place.

Only Hell and Hungry Ghost - are filled by violence, blood, destruction, sufferings and pain.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Because there are 5 Basic Precepts that must be observe to prevent sentinent beings from descending to woeful states :-
(1) No Killings - the first and most important precepts that is uphold by All Religions
(2) No Stealings
(3) No Sexual Misconducts
(4) No False Speeches - including inciting hatred, violence for mass killings etc.
(5) No intoxicants - that will cause mind to be unruly and cause riots

Any religious leaders justifying the misdeeds of the above 5 basic precepts - are misleading their followers. 

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
(1) Extreme Hatred, Anger - are associated with the attributes of Hell - that will be kept in captive - which will be obssessed with live and death - every minutes, every second.
(2) Extreme Greed and attachment to wrong views - are associated with the attributes of Hungry Ghosts or Hantu or Pontianak - with strong attachment to the object of greed.
(3) Extreme Ignornance - are associated with the attributes of Animal realm - with little intelligent except to survive in their animal realm domain of survival.

Where the above 3 attributes - represent sentinent beings 3 inherent evil roots - that are associated with the 3 woeful states - if the attributes are carried to the extreme - that correspond to 小三灾 - the 3 minor catastrophes of War, Epidemic and Climatic Conditions of natural disasters. 

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
(1) Where Human Hatred/Anger, Greed for Power and Ignorance of the Universal Law of Karma - contribute to War.

(2) Where Human Hatred/Anger, Greed for Power and Ignorance of the Universal Law of Karma - contribute to epidemic - crossover of animals viruses to man - anyhow intrude to animals habitat, kill them for food, sexual cross-breeding between animals and human etc.

(3) Where Human Hatred/Anger, Greed for Power and Ignorance of the Universal Law of Karma - lead to Climatic Conditions of natural disasters - such as burn down forest causing haze and poisonous gas, pollute rivers and sea etc.

And hence 小三灾 - the 3 minor catastrophes of War, Epidemic and Climatic Conditions of natural disasters - is the direct consequences of Human 3 inherent evil roots of :-
(1) Hatred/Anger,
(2) Greed and Exclusiveness
(3) Ignorance of the Universal Law 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Thus, only Manifestation of 3 Wholesome Inherent Roots of Humans can save the Human Race from 小三灾 - the 3 minor catastrophes of War, Epidemic and Climatic Conditions of natural disasters :-

By Manifesting :-
(1) No-Self, Selfless ---- (a hallmark of a Saint)
(2) Compassion and Mutual Inclusiveness
(3) Panna Wisdom

will prevent Mass Extinction of Human Mankind.

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