Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Malaysian women join Middle East jihadists as ‘comfort women’, reveals intelligence report

By | What’s buzzing? – 5 hours ago
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
This militant groups are breaking all the precepts - that are destined to hell instead of going to heaven.

(1) Killing, mass murder, execution without trial, violence, cruelty, spreading terror etc
(2) Sexual misconduct
(3) Stealing people's land, properties, kidnapping
(4) False speeches - by spreading terror and satan teachings to mislead followers and justifying their terror acts.

How will all these conform to any wholesome religious principles including Islam?

All these are Satanic acts that are hell-bound.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
How can the followers that join the group believe - the caliphate is a "holy" caliphate - where all the actions and outcome are destruction, massacre, killings, cruelty, rape, sexual misconduct, raid other's properties and land etc?

Isn't all these Satanic act?
Isn't all these Hell beings behaviour?

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