Sunday, December 15, 2013

Singapore Pools looking to start licensed gambling website


9 Layer Kueh Lapis can be applied to 2 areas Mundane & Spiritual. (Thus never mix Mundane that are rule by Governor and Spiritual led by Religious Leader together).

Mundane 9 Layer Kueh Lapis refer to 9 layer income social group :-




Spiritual 9 Layer Kueh Lapis refer to 9 Spiritual Class :-

Upper Class made up of 3 Spiritual Sub-Class mainly associated to Religious People. (Not sub-categorising)

Middle Class - made up of 3 Spiritual Sub-Class mainly associated to Layperson leading a religious or righteous life. (Not sub-categorising)

Lower Class - made up of 3 Spiritual Sub-Class mainly associated with people indulge in vice that are classified into realms associated with 3 evil roots :-

(a) Ignorance with vice characteristics associated with Animal Realm.

(b) Greed with vice characteristics associated with Hungry Ghost Realm eg. Gambling is one.

(c) Hatred with vice characteristics associated with Hell Realm eg. Killing, murdering, hatred.

Most Religions will not want to dabble with these 3 Lower Spiritual Class as they are fraught with dangers and maybe led astray ---- (Note :- Even Heavenly Beings will not tread into this. Even Elder Theravada Buddhism where the highest Attainment is Arahat will not want to tread into).

Only Mahayana Buddhism whereby Buddha and Boddhisattvas that possess the No-Self, Compassion, Insights and Wisdoms will possess the quality to tread into these 3 Lower Spiritual Class to liberate these sentinent beings without getting themselves into danger and degenerate into these realms.


Thus, even Theravada spiritual text Pali Canon does not have this discourse but only found in Mahayana Buddhism that expound the Boddhisattva Path.

(In Mundane World, Wise Government will have to deal with these wholesomely as there is no right or wrong in these 3 Spiritual SubClass only wholesome or unwholesome).

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