Sunday, December 15, 2013

Currency of the future or asset bubble? Bitcoin's critics get louder


Wah if people use Bitcoins to gamble - 1 coin S$1,254 - just a few bets and one young techy will lose a whole month salary.
1 month bets - and he will have to sell his whole flat.
So you think better for Gov to control online betting overseas using Bitcoins?

And if many bet overseas, the whole Economy go into recession.

So that 假利害 naïve purist become the biggest sinner in this leaked Economy.

利害就好, 不要假利害。

So when the Government know that Internet Content Filtering can be bypass with at least 6 to 7 technical loopholes - it make alot of sense for the Government to 以毒攻毒,以破戒来修戒。

This is the true Mahayana Bodhisattva ways to solve difficult moral issues.

You think "naive purist" - is helping to solve problem or plummet the whole Singapore Economy into recession with his myopic purist view?

1 person's view - 害死整个国家。

That why even a baby must scold him - to give him 顿悟 - and wake up his idea on his so call "naive moral compass" or should it be call "moral kam pui".

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