Sunday, December 22, 2013

Safety, security of citizens come first: Law Ministry


Let us review all the videos uploaded in the Youtube. 400 or more people participated in the riot by throwing stones, setting fire, overturn emergency cars etc.
Only about 20 to 30 people are charged. Only 50 over are deported. Those participated 400 over vs 80 being taken actions revealed that the Authorities are prudent in taking actions.

Out of the 80 over taken actions, 200 are issue advisory - which is a very light reprimand. Another 120 over are not taken action against.
Conversely, many of our officers are injured, our shops damaged, goods stolen, many emergency vehicles damaged or burnt or destroyed - and Singapore riot-free record broken - and shatter our law-abiding society.

Under such a context, the activists before protesting - can weigh are the actions prudent and measured - after witnessing the extent of damages caused by the riot?
Does the activists have Singapore's interests at heart or emboldening rioters' behaviour at heart?

There could be eye-witnesses, cctv, photos, videos, interview results etc that have reviewed that those deported have actively participated in the riot - but lack concrete evidences to charge them in the courts.
As they deemed to be a risk to Singapore society, they need to be deported.
Activists prefer to subject Singaporeans to high risk by keeping such elements in Singapore - and cause problem to us later. Thus is Singaporean supporting Activists actions and risk these people to start another riot or it is better to deport them?

I think we are kind enough not to activate ISA to arrest them without going to Courts - for being posing a security risk to Singapore and disrupt our Public Order and break our laws - that is normally accorded to terrorism.
Deporting them is a kinder approach to them - as they are not arrested and charged.

"Shatter our law-abiding society" - Seriously?

Did you see those videos and do a rough count?
Those that pelt the 2 police cars - I roughly counted about 100 people pelting the 2 police cars, overturn them, setting them on fire.
How many are charged with solid evidences - only about 30. About 50 are deported.
But I counted 100 or more people who are actively damaging the cars, pelting the police - and it is only 1 section of the crowds.
Other sections not caught by videos are many more.
Don't you think we are already lenient on them?
Is the Activists trying to protect the rioters - or are they upholding law, security and peace in out society?

I think we welcome those that come here to help our Economy and earn an honest living.

But for those with reasonable ground that they pose a risk to our Public Order and cause unrest that threaten our lives, our properties - then deporting them is a kinder way to do.

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