Sunday, December 15, 2013

Singapore Pools looking to start licensed gambling website

We are all sinners, but the govt should not be partakers of sins, it's as simple as that!

Also did I ever say I am not a sinner? If not, how can I be a hypocrite? Most religions if not all, admit all have sinned. So get your facts straight before you make personal attacks.

Basically, I don't recommend anybody or organisations (and that includes myself and the govt) to engage in any unethical activity or business. (bear in mind, I am not perfect in any way)

You claimed you don't support online gambling, but don't mind the govt runs an online gambling website, that's sounds like a hypocrite to me (but I did not mention that word until you did).

But just let me ask you, how would you like it (or feel) if your son or grandson frequently visits the new S'pore Pools gambling website? Whether it is run by S'pore Pools or some foreign organisations, it is still a gambling website and it can make your son or grandson broke. Neither you or me want to see that happen, tell me if I am wrong.


Please note when you say your son or grandson go broke - it is precisely if run by the Gov will prevent it - because of social safeguards.

But if you let them bypass the control and go all the way to Internet - they will bankrupt very soon - by piling up debts in BitCoins that are not even legal tender - as credit come so easily - for them to get into heavy debts.

No point arguing with you. Like i say you are a naive purist.

You basically don't under circular flow of income and the leak economy. Basically you can't see the big picture. If you don't have the foresight, don't have the Wisdom, don't have the big picture - but arm with naive purist value, just keep it to yourself and try not to act smart here. Let the Religious Leaders talk, not you. The Religious Leaders have the Wisdom to see big pictures - not you.

You don't understand the kueh lapis - the 9 layers - where the 3 lowest layers are the necessary vices.

Talk to you like talking to a cow.

The discourse of 破戒来修戒 - are normally expounded in the Heavenly Realm - or Human realm who aspire to Mahayana Boddhisattva Vows.
That why talk to people like you - is though talking to a stone.

I rather talk to people who possess the Wisdom - not a naive purist.

I already told you I admit I am not perfect and I am also not a purist? If I am a purist, then I will push for a total ban on S'pore Pools lottery outlets, but I did not push for a total ban on S'pore Pools outlets because I am not a purist. 
In fact, even now any gambler can lose big time by betting big at our lottery outlets. No need check IC, and I am not sure if there is any limit to how much one can bet. So there is no shortage of opportunities for gamblers today, CFDs, futures, options, casinos etc. What purist's society are we in? Far from it...I am just saying the govt should not get its hands involved directly.

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      Do you understand circular flow of income and the leak economy?
      Do you understand how this lead to multiplier and de-multiplier effect on the Economy through the money supply?
      And I don't want to be a Economist here explaining this concept nor appropriate to discuss here.
      I bet you don't. I think you should search the Parliament debate in justifying the 2 casinos.
      Also all those social safeguards in place that have mitigate, counsel, control and manage the social ills.
      If don't do this, Singapore many families will be in a very bad shape.
      With Government running it and controlling it - the situation is much better. Otherwise all the money go into a syndicate for their benefits.
      The Government in turn can used to help the addicted gamblers.
      Leave it to your Religious Leaders - if you are not one, don't push it.

    I want to put the issue in perspective. The motion is "The govt should be running an online gambling website (or online casino)". The answer is either yes or no. You said yes, but I said no. 
    You gave your reasons I rejected, I gave my reasons you also rejected. We don't have to agree on each other's reasons, but we have to respect the "Yes" or "No" of the other person. No need to force each person to see things in a certain way. 
    So you said "Yes" which I respect your choice, and I said "No" and I also expect you to respect my choice. Cheers.

    I think you should go to Money column to read about the news on Bitcoins and my response to the Bitcoins before you comment further.

    You don't understand Economy - but your view hurts not only the Economy but the unrestrained people that can be protected.

    I don't respect your view, because your view will cause more harm than good.


    There is a difference between the choice and the reason for the choice. E.g. if you vote for the opposition, I don't have to agree with your reasoning but I respect your choice. It's the same in this case. You still don't understand this simple principle of democracy.


    You can have your choice as long as you don't push your view through and cause harm - i will respect your view.
    I am not egoistic in trying to win argument. If i discover my view have adverse impact - i will withdraw my view and not push my view to others.


    Practicing moral precepts is the lowest grade.
    Practicing the Universal Law of Dharma is the middle grade.
    Practicing the Bodhi Heart is the highest grade.

    (There is no right or wrong.
    There is only wholesome or unwholesome.)

    Do things for selfish reason, for the benefit of ownself no matter how moral the things are, no matter how law-abiding one is is consider unwholesome.

    Do things that benefit others and self though on surface may seems unwholesome is indeed wholesome.


    This discourse is normally not expounded in Human Realm because the majority does not possess the Insights or Wisdom to truly understand this concept - and there is a danger that some people will go astray. This concept is normally taught in the Heavenly Realms - to uplift the Heavenly Beings into Nirvana.
    Or taught in Human Realm - who are Attained Beings or who possess Wisdom to understand this concept or those who are pursuing Mahayana Bodhi Vows.

    Thus Buddha taught Dharma in 3 broad ways :-

    (1) Those who does not possess the quality to understand the Dharma or attained Real Insights
    by teaching this group of people to practise strict precepts. By doing so, this group of people will go into Heavenly Realm, and then teach them Real Insights, Real Wisdom.
    (2) Those who are literate and mainly Buddhist scholars who have aptitude to learn from studying complex Buddhist texts and discourse.

    (3) Those who are literate or illiterate but possess the quality and Wisdom to understand Real Insights who have very high chance of Attaining Enlightenment (this group are few and far in between).


    In Human Realms, there are people who are called (戒师) who really practice precepts in proximity to purist form normally Religious Leaders or Religious Person leading the hermit way.

    No 1 Those who practice and live in ways that suppress and attempt to eradicate mundane human vice.

    No 2 Those who practice and live in ways - that suppress and attempt to eradicate sublime human vice.

    No 3 - Those who practice mind and heart training to suppress and eradicate stray thoughts.

    For eg. :-
    No 1
    those who refrain from vice from actions :-
    - No killings of any life forms
    - Preserve celibacy
    - No intoxicants such as liquor or drugs
    that will muddle the minds and commit wrong things, hinder mind trainings on Concentration and Mindfulness.
    - No trading in harmful trade
    - No stealing
    - No false speeches
    such as lying, gossips, rumour, harsh words etc.

    No 2 those who practise to suppress vice in speeches or thoughts or actions in :-
    - living in abundance luxury
    - live in vainity like keeping hair
    perm hair, roast hair, cut short, keep long, perm lah, blow lah, punk hair lah etc etc.
    - live in vanity like putting perfume, decorate oneself like putting jewels, ornaments, put on expensive dresss, shoes etc
    - live in humbleness
    not in fame and showmanship
    - live not to blame, to be arrogant etc.
    - live to be generous and help others if you can
    in terms of money, or advice, or in words, or in deeds, or in thought etc

    No 3 those who practice meditation and mind training to suppress and to finally eradicate the 3 evil roots of Ignorance to Universal Law, Greed/Attachment to Wrong Views, Hatred/Anger/Vengenance/Revenge and attain No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom==== minus Omnipotent.

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