Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's official: Pope has not abolished sin, says Vatican

Published on Dec 31, 2013
7:31 PM

By declaring "abolishing sin" - means people will act with impunity without regards to karma - and people will sin badly.
With human body living in mundane world, one should never "abolish sin" - means declaring - whatever one do, one will not elicit any karma.
This only happen in Nirvana & PariNirvana - where 3 evil roots of No-Self, Greed and Ignorance of Universal Law are effectively eradicated - not even suppressed.
With Human Body (which is a pile of garbage) in Mundane World - karma continue to operate in tandem with Universal Law.
Even Attained Arahats with Human Body - will still succumb to manifestation of karma in mundane world.

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