Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Little India Riot: Committee of Inquiry will be formed by the end of the week, says DPM Teo


In the Internet and Opposition suggesting that there are underlying psychological grievances that cause the attack, maybe just venture some thoughts which may not be so complex as many have suggested :-

No 1 - A drunk man squeeze into an already crowded bus, misbehave inside a bus and lower down his pants.

No 2 The bus driver told the woman timer to escort the drunk man out of the bus.

No 3 The drunk man chase after the bus without wearing his pant but stagger along while holding his drop pants, tripped and run over by a bus.

No 4 The crowd outside saw what happen that one of their people are bullied and died a tragic death become emotional and pelt the bus, beat the bus driver and the woman time keeper.

No 5 When the ambulance come, try to jack up the bus and pronounce the victim dead, the people get even more emotional and start to pelt the ambulance attendants.

No 6 The paramedics attend to the injured bus driver and women time keeper that further inflame the emotional rioters.

No 7 - The Police around the scene form a human shield around the paramedics to protect them from being pelted by the rioters.

No 8 As the rioters number swell, they become embolden and start to attack the Police cars, ambulances and the fire engine as the rioters felt that the Police officers and Paramedics are not able to save the victim, but instead attending to the 2 injured bus driver and women time keeper.

This explain why rioters attack official cars and not the surrounding shops but also noted that many shops goods such as bottles, fridges, food etc are being stolen and snatch to pelt the officers.

So not sure why so many bloggers and Opposition are harping on deep psychological complex grievances for political mileage?

Why politicise this unfortunate riot over an emotional event and politicise it?

In fact, the Polices action is one of restraint and appropriateness without causing death or serious injuries through more severe retaliation of the riot.

But prudent waiting of the reinforcment that are trained to handle riot.

The riot ended in just 1 hour an achievement not achieved anywhere in the World with minimum casualties.

In fact, the rapid arrest of the rioters after the emotion die down is a more wholesome tangible result and good enforcement without inflaming the situation into hatred and anger.

真正的英雄 ---- 是能屈能伸。

Not hero all the way and leave a trail of bodies lying on the road with service revolvers blazing and shoot anyone on sight including innocent one.

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