Thursday, December 12, 2013

Indian TV channel corrects its report


In retrospect, I think the Police restraint and did not retaliate such as discharging firearms but regroup and re-advance later to arrest the rioters - has better outcome.

Bitter feelings, hatred and anger are more subdue - as many can reflect what actually happened - to put things in perspective, establish the real facts and take more measured, appropriate approach to ensure such riots will not happen again - at the same time without impacting racial harmony in our society that we highly prized - and develop into racial tension, or becoming xenophobic against foreign workers.

Though what is unfortunate is that 25 official vehicles are damaged plus other business loss and property damages.

But with casualties at its minimum and injuries are not serious - is indeed fortunate.

After temperature have cool down and those who cause trouble are arrested later - will ensure justice is done.

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