Thursday, December 19, 2013

Insurance group sets up hotline to fight fraudulent claims

What about setting up a centralised insurance claim portal.
Accident parties are to file claim online. Photos of damages are to be uploaded together with the claim.
Parts damaged to be replaced, workmanship will need to be submitted by the workshops online for price assessment by independent evaluators before the repair can be done.

Eye witness can also substantiate the validity of the accident online.
A benchmark price of the parts will be compared against to see whether prices are inflated.
Exorbitant repair price can be scrutinised by the public.
This maybe able to help to reduce fraudulent claims.
Data Analytics can be performed based on all the data and claims filed in the portal by doing correlation analysis to establish claim pattern and detect fraud.

The best thing is - when subject to public scrutiny, it will prevent fraudulent claims - as shrewd eyes people will be able to pick up exorbitant claims.
As public also "subsidised" the motor insurance premium, I am sure public are more than eager to keep a "hawk eyes" on those claims - that are "eye popping".

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