Thursday, December 12, 2013

Patients' records at their fingertips with new Web portal

A good initiative.

But most bloggers are right - Web security have to be solid - as they are public-fronting Web from Internet where it is hacker-infested.


By doing so - identity management and authentication for online will surface.
ha ha ha

Given the recent spate of hacks against govt portals, is it wise to permit access to such confidential information over the web?
It would be better to restrict access to the intranet of the healthcare system and then ONLY to authorised personnel with access logged for accountability.


How to achieve intranet when you are in Internet?
If you are not in Internet how you access online web hosted for public?
ha ha ha - gotcha

Intranet - as the name suggest is an internal network.
Internet - is an external network.
When an internal network (Intranet) allow an external network (Internet) come in to access hosting information - how to achieve internal network (Intranet)?


You are right ... and it serve no purpose for patients to access their own medical records except to satisfy a curiosity because medical records are as good as Greek to a Non-Medical Professional.

I think patients' medical records should ONLY be available to attending doctors, and to patients ONLY in person, but NEVER over internet where 100% foolproof access control is an impossibility.

How you do internet banking, file your online income tax, pay road tax, buy and sell shares online, do eCommerce and eTransaction like buying commodities online, do bank transfer, how do you do electronic filing, how do you check your CPF balances  etc through the web?

All go back to paper, form filling and pen and typewriter ?

Allan Tan  
Very good point.

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