Friday, October 18, 2019

US, Chinese teams working on Phase 1 trade deal text: Mnuchin

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US President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he likely would not sign any trade deal with China until he meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the upcoming APEC Forum in Chile.

The crux of breakthrough in US-China trade deal - using "Phase Approach - Phase 1, 2 etc."

That could have averted a Global Economic meltdown into global recession.

Posted on :- September 18, 2019
ricky l
ricky l1 second ago
(1) If the final deal is difficult to achieve now - targeting interim deal will be another good option.

(2) The interim deal will serve as the foundation to negotiate for Phase 2 of the trade deal - if again the final deal cannot be achieved.

(3) And using phase approach to the trade deal - will be a more palatable negotiation approach - for a difficult trade talk.


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