Saturday, October 19, 2019

"Friends with All, Adversaries with None.
Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome."
19 Oct 2019

Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
"Friends with All, Adversaries with None.
Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome."
--- has been adopted by  Singapore (17 Jul 2017)as core Foreign Affair principles:-
(1) Preventing military conflict
(2) Forge Global friendship
(3) Promote business, trade, investment and travel
(4) Projecting softpower by fostering wholesome international relationship, cooperation, collaboration and problem solving.
(5) Even a little red dot, the light of wisdom can lit up the Globe.

(29 Sep 2018 - copied by one foreign leader in UN address)

Many people don't believe social media can shape National Policies and influence World Events.

This are some eg. to demo " 尽虚空遍法界,度众生。

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