Thursday, October 17, 2019

COMMENT: How AHTC verdict will play out at the General Elections

  • in 1 second
    (1) I read this article written with full of spite and anger by an ex-journalist.

    (2) Objectivity is missing in the article.

    (3) And obviously, neglecting those residents who want to reclaim the over-paid services $33million.
  • ricky l
    12 seconds ago
    (1) This journalist seems to imply that the overpaid $33 million by the AHTC is acceptable to the residents.

    (2) This journalist also seems to imply that by re-claiming the overpaid amount is attempt to fix the opposition.

    (3) This journalist imply that Court is wrong in administering justice.
  • Lapses
    2 minutes ago
    Once respect is lost, more votes will be lost. WP!! way to go.....
  • Oyez
    3 minutes ago
    It is very cleared to many voters pappies are bullying the oppositions called fixing ...
  • Smurfette
    36 minutes ago
    For a simple molest case the district judge cannot get it right, do you think they can for this one? Seriously is all bull s
  • Shark
    43 minutes ago
    And because of how childish, unfair and dirty Sg politics is, die odie vote for Opposition. Awaiting to see PAP OVERTHROWN!
  • Crystal
    44 minutes ago
    By killing the WP they will lose all respect not only from the voters of Aljunied but other constituencies as well. The world is laughing at a government that abuse and bullies their very own citizens.
  • Jaysan
    56 minutes ago
    Fixed, on the way to being bankrupt and lose eligibility to participate. Aljunied GRC goes back to PAP under the leadership of George Yeo. Anomaly FIXED.
  • Lapses
    1 hour ago
    Did we find our rubbish bins choked in oppositions wards? LOL......WP has proven and delivered their town council services ! Well done WP !!!!

    I will vote for you again WP !!
  • WrWe
    1 hour ago
    CB policies .......
  • Jack
    1 hour ago
    not going vote for pap in the next election.
  • CockyLee
    1 hour ago
  • k
    1 hour ago
    workers party strikes a worse jackpot of political scandal.
  • 华为
    2 hours ago
    more people will sure vote against pap. pap town council are worst, isn't it?
  • Anonymous
    2 hours ago
    Democracy died long time ago when lky came to power. Dividing voters and threatening them that though you pay taxes if you dont vote me your area will be less priority? So these citizens pay less taxes? Pap or govt forgotten their pay masters are the voters. Without taxes can the country has money to make money and pay them? Tragic! Deserving? Oppositions mp are singaporean too born here study here live here have families here. Please lah they are not FT or new citizens mostly. Pap got many converts.
  • Sure
    2 hours ago
    I am sure alot of others also having the sama sama cases, either business goes to good friends or kakilan. Is whether any trustworthy authority nwoadays in this smll country or not?
  • Milk Tea
    2 hours ago
    WP is sue by the panel appointed by WP to look into the finding of the KPMG (appointed by WP). Both parties are not appointed by AG.
  • Milk Tea
    2 hours ago
    "The way Education Minister Ong Ye Kung tried to destroy the credibility of respected poet and playwright Alfian Sa’at in the recent Yale-NUS Affair doesn’t offer much hope that politics will change under the new PAP leadership."
    Don't be a joke, go read up the comments from Yale-NUS and find out the truth why the course is cancelled.
  • Breeke
    2 hours ago
    Anyone knows how citizens can sue PAP for the below losses that are no less serious than AHTC's? I am thinking to engage the proven Davinder Singh but not sure if he is considered a "conflicted person" if he were to act for Singaporeans?


    The Auditor-General's Office (AGO) noted that 104 out of 926 records of scheduled vehicular maintenance jobs, totalling $1.35 million, were inauthentic. Later, it was found that the records had been created and backdated by three SCDF officers and the contractors involved.


    PA was rapped for contract management and procurement lapses for contracts amounting to about $1.9 million for the Chingay Parade and Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations.

    In one case, a PA officer was allowed to buy Chingay costumes from overseas vendors amounting to $142,200, and to pay for them in cash or through a remittance agent, instead of going through the Government's GeBiz portal.

    The officer then claimed reimbursements using cash sales receipts. The AGO found some receipts had tell-tale signs that cast doubts on their authenticity.


    Mindef overpaid fees for grass-cutting for six years, amounting to about $200,000.
    This was mainly due to overstatement of the area involved.


    Delays in payments to contractors ranged from three months to more than three years for 30 school construction projects, which amounted to $13.61 million, the AGO said.

    There were also instances when modifications to construction contracts were not properly managed, resulting in an estimated overpayment of $154,900, it added.


    ICA was found to have let the ICA Recreation Club (ICARE) set up photo booths on its premises without charging rent, which would have totalled an estimated $6.1 million.

    The Home Affairs Ministry has since been advised by MOF that given the changes in government policy, ICA should seek to recover the roughly $6 million in rent forgone since 2002, the AGO said.
  • Tan
    2 hours ago
    Politics are the extent the ppl serving in grassroots hv ulterior motive for personal benefits.
    The contractors all related...
    Left pocket to right pocket.
    Legally corrupted.
  • Lenard
    2 hours ago
    No worry Worker party we will still vote for you. Who do not make mistake. Chiong...
  • joe
    2 hours ago
    So opposition not wrong of $33 mil "unjust" appropriation??!

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