Monday, October 14, 2019

Trump violently attacks media figures in supporter event meme: NYT

  • 3 seconds ago
    (1) Trump is adopting "mafia" violent approach - to silence and cowed his political opponents.

    (2) US liberal democracy - has now turned into a "Terror political game".
  • test of time
    4 hours ago
    Vast difference withe the DEM preliminary debates. Socialist are talking about free medicare, education and freebies to the illegal immigrants.
  • JTC
    5 hours ago
    a drowning man will clutch a straw.... any straw to save his skin....
  • Veteran@VOTE
    3 hours ago
    cant impeached ?? invoke 25th.
  • JTC
    5 hours ago
    and now... the end is near.... and so he draws.... the final curtain... none of his rally so far remotely touch on what and how, he as resident of white house, can do to improve the lives of american voters... all he does is sow hatred, call names, brag about his miniscule wins.... and all these seems to appease his supporters... while his military now fighting for survival in syria.... nothing mentioned.. as him and his supporters don't care too much for the special forces over there... any thumbs down on these facts?
  • Bobo Belmonte
    4 hours ago
    Trump in 2020 much to the chagrin of the LIBTURDS and their paid pollsters
  • Thomas
    1 hour ago
    I am puzzled...are any Trump supporters parents? Have you lived such sheltered lives that you have never been ripped off by a con man? Are you really ok with having this man represent and teach your kids that what he does is ok? Are you really wanting his racism, lies, hatred, and corruption be a living example to the young generation? I am intrigued, I really am.
  • William
    4 hours ago
    This sociopath grossly incompetent old racist Trumpy urgently need to be incarcerated.
    His behavior & irrational actions are getting more dangerous & unstable by the day.
  • Freddie
    30 minutes ago
    Trump may not last much longer. He seems to be having a mental breakdown and suffering paranoia. The SS should do something.

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